2023-24 Edition

Epidemiology, M.S.

The M.S. in Epidemiology is thesis-based, and students are expected to finish in two years. The first year is largely devoted to required course work and, with guidance from faculty, developing an area of interest within which the M.S. thesis research will be conducted. The second year is chiefly devoted to advancing to candidacy and completing the research-based Master’s thesis. The final step is an oral presentation, open to the public, of the thesis research. The M.S. in Epidemiology is an academic degree, and graduates typically go on to further education or careers in research.

Refer to our website for additional information.

Applications to graduate study in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at UCI are through the UCI Graduate Division website. For further questions, contact EpiGrad@uci.edu. In addition to the general requirements of the UCI Graduate Division, the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics requires current, official GRE scores as part of the application.

The M.S. in Epidemiology is thesis-based, and students are expected to finish in two years. The first year is largely devoted to required course work and, with guidance from faculty, developing an area of interest within which the M.S. thesis research will be conducted. The second year is chiefly devoted to completing the Master’s thesis. The final step is an oral presentation, open to the public, of the thesis research. The M.S. in Epidemiology is an academic degree, and graduates typically go on to further education or careers in research.