2024-25 Edition

Persian (PERSIAN)


PERSIAN 1A. Fundamentals in Persian. 5 Units.

Designed for students with little or no exposure to Persian. Students learn the modern writing system and grammar of Persian. Facilitates basic reading, writing, and speaking skills and fosters college-level literacy in Persian culture.

Prerequisite: Placement into PERSIAN 1A.

Overlaps with PERSIAN S1AB.

Restriction: PERSIAN 1A and PERSIAN S1AB may not be taken for full credit.

PERSIAN 1B. Fundamentals in Persian. 5 Units.

Designed for students with little or no exposure to Persian. Students learn the modern writing system and grammar of Persian. Facilitates basic reading, writing, and speaking skills and fosters college-level literacy in Persian culture.

Prerequisite: PERSIAN 1A. PERSIAN 1A with a grade of C or better. Placement into PERSIAN 1B is also accepted.


Restriction: PERSIAN 1B and PERSIAN S1AB and PERSIAN S1BC may not be taken for full credit.

PERSIAN 1C. Fundamentals in Persian. 5 Units.

Designed for students with little or no exposure to Persian. Students learn the modern writing system and grammar of Persian. Facilitates basic reading, writing, and speaking skills and fosters college-level literacy in Persian culture.

Prerequisite: PERSIAN 1B or PERSIAN S1AB. PERSIAN 1B with a grade of C or better. PERSIAN S1AB with a grade of C or better. Placement into PERSIAN 1C is also accepted.

Overlaps with PERSIAN S1BC.

Restriction: PERSIAN 1C and PERSIAN S1BC may not be taken for full credit.


PERSIAN 2A. Intermediate Persian. 4 Units.

Designed for students to advance their Persian language skills from introductory to intermediate level. Student will advance their understanding of grammar and syntax. Facilitates intermediate-level reading, writing, and speaking skills. Fosters college-level cultural literacy.

Prerequisite: PERSIAN 1C or PERSIAN S1BC. PERSIAN 1C with a grade of C or better. PERSIAN S1BC with a grade of C or better. Placement into PERSIAN 2A is also accepted.

Restriction: School of Humanities students have first consideration for enrollment. International Studies Majors have first consideration for enrollment.


PERSIAN 2B. Intermediate Persian. 4 Units.

Designed for students to advance their Persian language skills from introductory to intermediate level. Students will advance their understanding of grammar and syntax. Facilitates intermediate-level reading, writing, and speaking skills. Fosters college-level cultural literacy.

Prerequisite: PERSIAN 2A. PERSIAN 2A with a grade of C or better. Placement into PERSIAN 2B is also accepted.

Restriction: School of Humanities students have first consideration for enrollment. International Studies Majors have first consideration for enrollment.


PERSIAN 2C. Intermediate Persian. 4 Units.

Designed for students to advance their Persian language skills from introductory to intermediate level. Students will advance their understanding of grammar and syntax. Facilitates intermediate-level reading, writing, and speaking skills. Fosters college-level cultural literacy.

Prerequisite: PERSIAN 2B. PERSIAN 2B with a grade of C or better. Placement into PERSIAN 2C is also accepted.

Restriction: School of Humanities students have first consideration for enrollment. International Studies Majors have first consideration for enrollment.


PERSIAN 10A. Persian Peer-to-Peer Language Mentor Program. 1 Unit.

Peer-to-Peer Language Mentor Program in which student mentors work with student mentees to increase the language skills of both participants. One hour weekly meetings. PERSIAN 10A is for language mentors.

Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.

Repeatability: May be taken for credit 4 times.

PERSIAN 10B. Persian Peer-to-Peer Language Mentor Program. 1 Unit.

Peer-to-Peer Language Mentor Program in which student mentors work with student mentees to increase the language skills of both participants. One hour weekly meetings. PERSIAN 10B is for language mentees.

Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.

Repeatability: May be taken for credit 4 times.

PERSIAN 50. Topics in Persian Culture. 4 Units.

Study of varied topics in Persian culture, area studies, and society, both in the present and in historical perspective. Topics are not normally repeated for a two-year period.

Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.

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PERSIAN 150. Topics in Advanced Persian Culture. 4 Units.

In-depth examination of major works in premodern and modern Persian literature and/or the arts, with specific emphasis upon historical and cultural context and relevant societal issues and trends. Course is conducted in English.

Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.

PERSIAN 165A. Modern Iran: Cinema and the City. 4 Units.

Exploring modern Iran through film, literature, photography, travel writing, and philosophy and social science texts that introduce students to important concepts in post-colonial studies, social thought, war culture, religion, and media as experienced through the paradigm of a non-Western modernity.

Same as ANTHRO 165A.

PERSIAN 199. Independent Study. 4 Units.

Independent research with Persian faculty.

Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.