2024-25 Edition

Computer Engineering, B.S.

Program Educational Objectives: Graduates of the Computer Engineering program will (1) be engaged in professional practice at or beyond the entry level or enrolled in high-quality graduate programs building on a solid foundation in engineering, mathematics, the sciences, humanities and social sciences, and experimental practice as well as modern engineering methods; (2) be innovative in the design, research and implementation of systems and products with strong problem solving, communication, teamwork, leadership, and entrepreneurial skills; (3) proactively function with creativity, integrity and relevance in the ever-changing global environment by applying their fundamental knowledge and experience to solve real-world problems with an understanding of societal, economic, environmental, and ethical issues. (Program educational objectives are those aspects of engineering that help shape the curriculum; achievement of these objectives is a shared responsibility between the student and UCI.)

The undergraduate Computer Engineering curriculum includes a core of mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Engineering courses in fundamental areas fill in much of the remaining curriculum.

High School Students: See School Admissions information.

Transfer Students: Preference will be given to junior-level applicants with the highest grades overall, and who have satisfactorily completed the following required courses: two years of approved calculus, one year of calculus-based physics with laboratories (mechanics, electricity and magnetism), completion of lower-division writing, and one course in computational methods (e.g., C, C++). For course equivalency specific to each college, visit https://assist.org.

Students are encouraged to complete as many of the lower-division degree requirements as possible prior to transfer. Students who enroll at UCI in need of completing lower-division coursework may find that it will take longer than two years to complete their degrees. For further information, contact The Henry Samueli School of Engineering at 949-824-4334.

All students must meet the University Requirements.
All students must meet the School Requirements.
Major Requirements:
Mathematics and Basic Science Courses:
EECS 55 Engineering Probability
EECS 70LA Network Analysis I Laboratory
EECS 145 Electrical Engineering Analysis
I&C SCI 6D Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
MATH 2A- 2B Single-Variable Calculus I
and Single-Variable Calculus II
MATH 2D Multivariable Calculus I
MATH 3A Introduction to Linear Algebra
MATH 3D Elementary Differential Equations
PHYSICS 7C Classical Physics
PHYSICS 7LC Classical Physics Laboratory
PHYSICS 7D- 7E Classical Physics
and Classical Physics
PHYSICS 7LD Classical Physics Laboratory
One additional math or basic science elective from the following:
Boolean Logic and Discrete Structures
Multivariable Calculus II
Modern Physics
Fundamentals of Experimental Physics
or other courses as approved by faculty advisor.
Engineering Topics Courses:
Core Courses:
Introduction to Programming
Computer Systems and C Programming
Advanced C Programming
Software Engineering Project in C Language
Introduction to Digital Systems
Introduction to Digital Logic Laboratory
Object-Oriented Systems and Programming
Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
Network Analysis I
Network Analysis II
Network Analysis II Laboratory
System Software
Organization of Digital Computers
Organization of Digital Computers Laboratory
Processor Hardware/Software Interfaces
Engineering Data Structures and Algorithms
Data and Knowledge Science and Engineering
Computer Networks
Senior Design Project I
and Senior Design Project II
Electronics I
Electronics I Laboratory
Electronics II
Electronics II Laboratory
With the approval of a faculty advisor, students select any additional engineering topics courses needed to satisfy school and department requirements.
Engineering Elective Courses:
Select, with approval of a faculty advisor, a minimum of three courses of engineering topics.
Compilers and Interpreters
Introduction to Machine Vision
Introduction to Data Management
Parallel Computer Systems
Fundamentals of Parallel Computing
System Security
Communication Systems I
Communication Systems II
Continuous-Time Signals and Systems
Digital Signal Processing
Digital Signal Processing Design and Laboratory
Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Individual Study (up to 3 graded units)
Introduction to Engineering I
and Introduction to Engineering II (*)
* ENGR 7A and ENGR 7B can be counted as 4 units of Engineering Electives. ENGR 7A and ENGR 7B are available only to lower-division students. Both ENGR 7A and ENGR 7B must be taken to be counted as an Engineering Elective.
Engineering Professional Topics Courses
ENGR 190W Communications in the Professional World

At most an aggregate total of 6 units of EECS 199 may be used to satisfy degree requirements; EECS 199 is open to students with a 3.0 GPA or higher.

(The nominal Computer Engineering program will require 187 units of courses to satisfy all university and major requirements. Because each student comes to UCI with a different level of preparation, the actual number of units will vary.)

The sample program of study chart shown is typical for the major in Computer Engineering. Students should keep in mind that this program is based upon a sequence of prerequisites, beginning with adequate preparation in high school mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Students who are not adequately prepared, or who wish to make changes in the sequence for other reasons, must have their program approved by their advisor. Computer Engineering majors are encouraged to consult with academic counselors as needed, and students who are academically at risk are mandated to see a counselor as frequently as deemed necessary by the advising staff.

Fall Winter Spring
General EducationPHYSICS 7C- 7LCPHYSICS 7LD
General EducationEECS 31EECS 31L
  General Education
Fall Winter Spring
Math./Science ElectiveEECS 70AEECS 70LB
 EECS 70LAGeneral Education
Fall Winter Spring
EECS 170AEECS 170LBGeneral Education
EECS 170LAGeneral Education 
Fall Winter Spring
EECS 118General EducationEngineering Elective
EECS 119General EducationGeneral Education
Engineering ElectiveEngineering Elective 

Students must obtain approval for their program of study and must see their faculty advisor at least once each year.