2024-25 Edition

Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)


CSE 90. Systems Engineering and Technical Communications . 2 Units.

Introduces systems engineering concepts, including specifications and requirements, hardware and software design, integration, testing, and documentation. Emphasizes organization and writing of reports and effective presentations.

Restriction: Computer Science Engineering Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CSE 112. Electronic Devices and Circuits. 4 Units.

A first course in the design of Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) systems. Introduction to CMOS technology; MOS transistors and CMOS circuits. Analysis and synthesis of CMOS gates. Layout design techniques for building blocks and systems. Introduction to CAD tools.

(Design units: 4)

Prerequisite: PHYSICS 7D and (CSE 70A or EECS 70A)

Overlaps with EECS 119, EECS 170D.

Restriction: Computer Science Engineering Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CSE 199. Individual Study. 1-4 Units.

Supervised independent reading, research, or design for undergraduate Engineering majors. Students taking individual study for design credit are to submit a written paper to the instructor and to the Undergraduate Student Affairs Office in the School of Engineering.

(Design units: 1-4)

Repeatability: May be taken for credit for 8 units.