2024-25 Edition

Italian (ITALIAN)


ITALIAN 1A. Fundamentals of Italian. 5 Units.

First quarter of first-year Italian in a hybrid or online format. Students are taught to conceptualize in Italian as they learn to understand, read, write, and speak. Classes are conducted entirely in Italian.

Overlaps with ITALIAN 1AB.

ITALIAN 1AB. Intensive Fundamentals of Italian. 7.5 Units.

First half of first-year Italian in a time-intensive form. Development of meaningful communicative skills for the purposes of interaction with Italian speakers and beginning study of Italian. Learner-centered approach develops speaking, listening, reading, writing, and cultural skills and knowledge.


ITALIAN 1ABSP. Accelerated Fundamentals of Italian for Spanish Speakers. 5 Units.

Accelerated first half of first-year Italian for Hispanophone students. Teaches conceptualizing in Italian while learning to read, write, and speak using knowledge of Spanish. Develops awareness of and sensibility to Italian life and culture through reading, viewing, and discussing.

Prerequisite: Two years of high school Spanish, one semester of college Spanish, or heritage speaker of Spanish.


ITALIAN 1B. Fundamentals of Italian. 5 Units.

Second quarter of first-year Italian in a hybrid or online format. Students are taught to conceptualize in Italian as they learn to understand, read, write, and speak. Classes are conducted entirely in Italian.

Prerequisite: ITALIAN 1A. ITALIAN 1A with a grade of C or better. Placement into ITALIAN 1B is also accepted.

Overlaps with ITALIAN 1AB, ITALIAN 1BC.

ITALIAN 1BC. Intensive Fundamentals of Italian. 7.5 Units.

Second half of first-year Italian in a time-intensive form. Development of meaningful communicative skills for the purposes of interaction with Italian speakers and beginning study of Italian. Learner-centered approach develops speaking, listening, reading, writing, and cultural skills and knowledge.

Prerequisite: ITALIAN 1AB or ITALIAN 1ABSP or ITALIAN 1B. ITALIAN 1AB with a grade of C or better. ITALIAN 1ABSP with a grade of C or better. ITALIAN 1B with a grade of C or better. Placement into ITALIAN 1BC is also accepted.



ITALIAN 1BCSP. Accelerated Fundamentals of Italian for Spanish Speakers. 5 Units.

Accelerated second half of first-year Italian for Hispanophone students. Teaches conceptualizing in Italian while learning to read, write, and speak using knowledge of Spanish. Develops awareness of and sensibility to Italian life and culture through reading, viewing, and discussing.

Prerequisite: ITALIAN 1ABSP or ITALIAN 1AB or ITALIAN S1AB or ITALIAN 1B. ITALIAN 1ABSP with a grade of C or better. ITALIAN 1AB with a grade of C or better. ITALIAN S1AB with a grade of C or better. ITALIAN 1B with a grade of C or better. Two years of high school Spanish, one semester of college Spanish, or heritage speaker of Spanish.



ITALIAN 1C. Fundamentals of Italian. 5 Units.

Third quarter of first-year Italian in a hybrid or online format. Students are taught to conceptualize in Italian as they learn to understand, read, write, and speak. Classes are conducted entirely in Italian.

Prerequisite: ITALIAN 1B or ITALIAN 1AB or ITALIAN S1AB. ITALIAN 1B with a grade of C or better. ITALIAN 1AB with a grade of C or better. ITALIAN S1AB with a grade of C or better. Placement into ITALIAN 1C is also accepted.

Overlaps with ITALIAN 1BC.


ITALIAN 2A. Intermediate Italian. 4 Units.

First quarter of second-year Italian in a hybrid or fully online format. Students are taught to conceptualize in Italian as they learn to understand, read, write, and speak. Classes are conducted entirely in Italian.

Prerequisite: ITALIAN 1C or ITALIAN 1BC or ITALIAN S1BC or ITALIAN 1BCSP. ITALIAN 1C with a grade of C or better. ITALIAN 1BC with a grade of C or better. ITALIAN S1BC with a grade of C or better. ITALIAN 1BCSP with a grade of C or better. Placement into ITALIAN 2A is also accepted.

Restriction: International Studies Majors have first consideration for enrollment. School of Humanities students have first consideration for enrollment.


ITALIAN 2B. Intermediate Italian. 4 Units.

Second quarter of second-year Italian in a hybrid or fully online format. Students are taught to conceptualize in Italian as they learn to understand, read, write, and speak. Classes are conducted entirely in Italian.

Prerequisite: ITALIAN 2A. ITALIAN 2A with a grade of C or better. Placement into ITALIAN 2B is also accepted.

Restriction: International Studies Majors have first consideration for enrollment. School of Humanities students have first consideration for enrollment.


ITALIAN 2C. Intermediate Italian. 4 Units.

Third quarter of second-year Italian in a hybrid and fully online format. Students are taught to conceptualize in Italian as they learn to understand, read, write, and speak. Classes are conducted entirely in Italian.

Prerequisite: ITALIAN 2B. ITALIAN 2B with a grade of C or better. Placement into 2C is also accepted.

Restriction: School of Humanities students have first consideration for enrollment.


ITALIAN 50. Topics in Italian Culture. 4 Units.

Examines Italian culture at home and from abroad, in cinema, literature, and popular culture.

Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.

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ITALIAN 99. Special Studies in Italian. 4 Units.

Both student and instructor arrive at the theme of the course and the critical approach to be followed in consultation. Intended to offer courses in Italian otherwise unavailable.

Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.

ITALIAN 150. Topics in Italian Literature and Culture. 4 Units.

Major themes, periods, and/or movements in Italian literature and culture. Taught in English.

Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.

ITALIAN 199. Tutorial in Italian Literature and Culture. 1-4 Units.

The student must submit a written description of the proposed course to the instructor and the Chair prior to the beginning of the course.

Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.