Department of Music

Michael Dessen, Department Chair
303 Music and Media Building
The curricular philosophy of the Department of Music is based on the ideals of the conservatory within the academy. The faculty are concerned with the performance and creation of music within the context of the highest standards of historical, aesthetic, and theoretical inquiry.
The faculty includes composers, musicologists and music theorists, conductors, and performers. All members of the faculty are highly active in their fields as publishing scholars, concert and recording artists, and well-known composers. Many of the instrumental instructors are drawn from the ranks of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, the Pacific Symphony, and other orchestras in Southern California. The department also presents frequent performances and master classes by renowned guest artists, and houses several state of the art music technology facilities.
Career Opportunities
Musicians develop a wide range of transferable skills during their undergraduate career. Musicians learn how to think, to write, to present themselves in public, and to work collaboratively in different kinds of teams. They also demonstrate over the long term a determination and commitment, and a desire to succeed. With a degree in Music, students will find that many career paths lie before them, both within and beyond the diverse field of music.
MUSIC 3. Introduction to Music. 4 Units.
Introduction to musical concepts and active listening skills. Students develop musical understanding through critical readings, selected repertoire, fundamental concepts related to rhythm, pitch, and genre. Students apply those concepts to music from a wide range of historical and cultural origins.
MUSIC 4. Introduction to Opera. 4 Units.
Introduces students with no musical background to the dramatic and performance conventions of opera, and suggests ways of developing a critical stance vis-a-vis the social, political, gender-related and moral conflicts that are presented by composers and librettists.
MUSIC 5. Popular Music in the United States. 4 Units.
Examines the cultural, social, political, and economic dimensions of popular music in the United States over the last century and a half, with an emphasis on matters related to class, race, ethnicity, and gender.
MUSIC 8. The Beatles and the Sixties. 4 Units.
Through a study of the music of the Beatles, students are introduced to selected broader historical and cultural themes (e.g., race and music, gender and music, music and the counterculture) while developing an understanding of the basic elements of music.
MUSIC 9. Rock: The Early Years. 4 Units.
Surveys the social and cultural fabric of the post-World War II United States (from the late 1940s through the early 1970s) as seen through the prism of music - rock and roll music.
MUSIC 10. Piano for Majors. 1 Unit.
For Music majors with little or no piano experience. Provides the necessary background for realizing keyboard exercises required in the theory and harmony courses, and develops skills to play and sight-read simple music from different periods.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 3 times.
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 15. Musicianship. 2 Units.
Interval and chord quality identification, melodic and harmonic dictation, tonal and chromatic sight-singing, and rhythmic reading and dictation.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times.
Restriction: Music Majors only.
MUSIC 16A. Music Theory. 4 Units.
Review of music fundamentals. Triad and seventh chords, musical texture, chord spacing, embellishing tones, and introduction to diatonic harmony. Part-writing and model composition with tonic, dominant seventh, and subdominant harmonies.
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 16B. Music Theory. 4 Units.
Introduction to phrase structure. Part-writing and harmonization with predominants, linear dominants, 6/4 embellishing chords, leading-tone and other diatonic seventh chords. Advanced meters and rhythmic-metric dissonance. Diatonic sequence. Introduction to tonicization and modulation through motion to V and III.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 16A. MUSIC 16A with a grade of C- or better
Restriction: Music - Performance Majors only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 16C. Music Theory. 4 Units.
Tonicization and modulation to closely related keys. Simple binary and ternary forms. Voice-leading reductions and simple forms. Diatonic sequence with seventh chords. Introduction to chromatic harmony I: modal exchange and mixture chords, the Neapolitan and augmented sixth chords.
Prerequisite: and MUSIC 16B. MUSIC 16B with a grade of C- or better
Restriction: Music - Performance Majors only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 16D. Theory/Musicianship. 4 Units.
Extended homophonic and contrapuntal formal designs (continuous variations, rondo form, sonata form, invention, fugue). Embellishing chromatic chords, dominant prolongation, modulations to foreign keys, extended harmonies, chromatic sequence, chromatic voice-leading and symmetrical divisions of the octave.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 16C. MUSIC 16C with a grade of C- or better
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 21A. Keyboard Skills. 1 Unit.
Designed to develop the foundational skills of sight-reading, harmonization, transposition, improvisation, figured bass realization, and score reading.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times.
Restriction: Lower-division students only. Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 21B. Keyboard Skills. 1 Unit.
Designed to develop the foundational skills of sight-reading, harmonization, transposition, improvisation, figured bass realization, and score reading.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times.
Restriction: Lower-division students only. Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 21C. Keyboard Skills. 1 Unit.
Designed to develop the foundational skills of sight-reading, harmonization, transposition, improvisation, figured bass realization, and score reading.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times.
Restriction: Lower-division students only. Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 25. Fundamentals of Music. 4 Units.
Gain comprehensive insight into the fundamental concepts of music theory, including notation, harmony, and score analysis. Designed for students of all levels to improve their understanding of how music is composed, performed, and heard. Formerly MUSIC 25A.
MUSIC 40B. History of European Music: From the Renaissance through the Baroque. 4 Units.
An introduction to the analysis of musical styles and forms, to the sources for constructing music history and reconstructing historical music, and to J.S. Bach.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 16C. MUSIC 16C with a grade of C- or better
Restriction: Music Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Music - Performance Majors have first consideration for enrollment.
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MUSIC 40C. History of European Music: Hasse to Mahler. 4 Units.
An introduction to the analysis of musical styles and forms, and to the sources for constructing music history and reconstructing historical music, to Richard Wagner.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 40B. MUSIC 40B with a grade of D or better. Recommended: MUSIC 16D
Restriction: Music Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Music - Performance Majors have first consideration for enrollment.
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MUSIC 40D. 20th Century Music. 4 Units.
Survey of principal composers, movements, and compositional techniques of Western art music of the modern era.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 16C. MUSIC 16C with a grade of C- or better
Restriction: Music Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Music - Performance Majors have first consideration for enrollment.
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MUSIC 41. Major Composer. 4 Units.
Study of the works of an important composer with emphasis on their significance in historical and social contexts. Composers selected represent a wide variety of historical periods, nationalities, and stylistic orientations.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 2 times as topics vary.
MUSIC 45. History of Film Music. 4 Units.
Course provides an overview of film music history. Special emphasis will be placed on developing an analytic vocabulary for musical elements and cultivating an understanding of how music can function within a film.
MUSIC 46. Music in Multimedia. 4 Units.
Students explore intersections between music and other media forms through creating multimedia projects, readings, lectures, and discussion. Students produce music, edit video, increase media literacy, and study theories behind how music communicates meaning.
MUSIC 47. Introductory Topics in Music Technology. 4 Units.
Introductory topics in electronic music, digital audio, and other aspects of music technology.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
MUSIC 48. Introductory Topics in Music and Culture. 4 Units.
Examines music and musical practices in different historical periods, societies, and cultural settings.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
MUSIC 51. Music Technology and Computers. 4 Units.
A study of the influence of technology on the musical culture and aesthetics from the 20th century to the present, with particular emphasis on the role of the computer. Work includes lectures, readings, listenings, discussions, demonstrations, writing, and experimentation.
MUSIC 65. Piano for Music Majors. 2 Units.
Private weekly lessons. Materials fee.
Corequisite: MUSIC 15
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times as topics vary.
Restriction: Music Majors only.
MUSIC 66. Strings for Music Majors. 2 Units.
Private weekly lessons. Materials fee.
Corequisite: MUSIC 15
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times as topics vary.
Restriction: Music Majors only.
MUSIC 67. Winds for Music Majors. 2 Units.
Private weekly lessons. Materials fee.
Corequisite: MUSIC 15
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times as topics vary.
Restriction: Music Majors only.
MUSIC 68. Voice for Music Majors. 2 Units.
Private weekly lessons. Materials fee.
Corequisite: MUSIC 15
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times.
Restriction: Music Majors only.
MUSIC 69. Percussion for Music Majors. 2 Units.
Private weekly lessons. Materials fee.
Corequisite: MUSIC 15
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times as topics vary.
Restriction: Music Majors only.
MUSIC 70. Guitar, Lute, and Other Plucked Instruments for Music Majors. 2 Units.
Private weekly lessons. Materials fee.
Corequisite: MUSIC 15
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times.
Restriction: Music Majors only.
MUSIC 78. History of Jazz. 4 Units.
Development of jazz from African and African American folk origins through blues, early jazz, swing, bebop, "cool" jazz, fusion, free jazz, and contemporary trends.
Restriction: Music Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Music - Performance Majors have first consideration for enrollment.
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MUSIC H80. Experiments in Music. 4 Units.
Scientists explain the cognition of music using experimental methodology; artists expand the domain of music by trying previously unknown ways of making it. These two types of experiment deepen our understanding of music, from both scientific and artistic vantage points.
Restriction: Campuswide Honors Collegium students only.
MUSIC 82A. MAHUR-Pish Radif: Introduction to Classical Persian Music. 4 Units.
Survey of art music in Iran and basic structures of classical Persian music, with emphasis on MAHUR modal system and different instruments of classical Persian music. No musical experience required, but interest in vocal music is strongly recommended.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
MUSIC 82B. HOMAYUN-Pish Radif: Introduction to Classical Persian Music. 4 Units.
Survey of art music in Iran and basic structures of classical Persian music, with emphasis on HOMAYUN modal system and famous musicians and performers of classical Persian music. No musical experience required, but interest in vocal music is strongly recommended.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
MUSIC 82C. SHUR-Pish Radif: Introduction to Classical Persian Music. 4 Units.
Survey of art music in Iran and basic structures of classical Persian music, with emphasis on the SHUR modal system and different poetic rhythms in classical Persian music. No musical experience required, but interest in vocal music is strongly recommended.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
MUSIC 122A. Piano Literature. 2 Units.
Survey of stringed keyboard literature from the English Virginalists through twentieth-century composers. Historical, formal, and stylistic considerations of music presented. Performances by class participants and occasional outside guests.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 16A and MUSIC 16B and MUSIC 16C
Restriction: Upper-division students only. Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 122B. Piano Literature. 2 Units.
Survey of stringed keyboard literature from the English Virginalists through twentieth-century composers. Historical, formal, and stylistic considerations of music presented. Performances by class participants and occasional outside guests.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 16A and MUSIC 16B and MUSIC 16C
Restriction: Upper-division students only. Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 122C. Piano Literature. 2 Units.
Survey of stringed keyboard literature from the English Virginalists through twentieth-century composers. Historical, formal, and stylistic considerations of music presented. Performances by class participants and occasional outside guests.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 16A and MUSIC 16B and MUSIC 16C
Restriction: Upper-division students only. Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 126. Piano Pedagogy. 2 Units.
The materials and methods of piano instruction are examined and evaluated.
Restriction: Upper-division students only. Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 131. Post-Tonal Theory. 4 Units.
Significant harmonic, rhythmic, and structural practices since 1900. Analysis and written work exploring free atonality and serialism; neo-tonal practices such as use of extended tertian harmonies, modalism, pandiatonicism, and non-tertian harmonies; structural principles such as aleatory, metric modulation and minimalism.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 16D
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 132. Jazz Theory. 4 Units.
Study of jazz harmony and melody construction in improvisation. Covered topics include terminology, chord symbols, notation, voicings, and scales as commonly used in jazz and popular music. Issues regarding tonality and ramifications of the blue scale are also examined.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 16D
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 136. Instrumentation. 4 Units.
Ranges and capabilities of modern orchestral instruments. Exercise in writing for various combinations of wind, string, and percussion instruments and for full orchestra.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 16C
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 140. Topics in Medieval Music. 4 Units.
MUSIC 141. Topics in Renaissance Music. 4 Units.
MUSIC 142. Topics in Baroque Music. 4 Units.
MUSIC 142W. Topics in Baroque Music . 4 Units.
MUSIC 143. Topics in Classical Music. 4 Units.
MUSIC 143W. Topics in Classical Music. 4 Units.
MUSIC 144. Topics in Romantic Music. 4 Units.
MUSIC 144W. Topics in Romantic Music. 4 Units.
MUSIC 145W. Topics in 20th Century Music. 4 Units.
Topics in 20th century music.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 40D. MUSIC 40D with a grade of D or better. Satisfactory completion of the Lower-Division Writing requirement.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 2 times as topics vary.
Restriction: Upper-division students only. Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 146. Studies in Jazz Music. 4 Units.
Topics in Jazz Music.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 2 times as topics vary.
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 147. Studies in Music Technology. 4 Units.
Specialized topics in electronic music, computer-aided music, and other aspects of music technology.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 2 times as topics vary.
MUSIC 148. Studies in Ethnomusicology. 4 Units.
Topics in Ethnomusicology.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 2 times.
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 149. Studies in Music History. 4 Units.
Specialized topics in musical genres; culture and social issues; performance practices; and interrelated arts.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 40B and MUSIC 40C and MUSIC 40D. Satisfactory completion of the lower-division writing requirement.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 3 times as topics vary.
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 150. Composition. 4 Units.
Exercises and projects for diverse instrumental-vocal combinations; contemporary techniques and problems. Participation in the improvisation ensemble and working with electronic media.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 16C
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 151. Computer Music Composition. 4 Units.
Exercises in the composition of music uniquely possible by computer, including digital signal processing, computer control of synthesizers and processors, and algorithmic composition. Demonstrations and musical analyses in class; considerable studio work outside class.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 51
MUSIC 153. Counterpoint. 4 Units.
MUSIC 155. Analysis. 4 Units.
Methods of formal analysis applicable to all Western musical styles: additive, continuous, transformational, and hierarchic forms; rhythm, texture, and sonority as form and process.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 16D
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 156A. Song Literature. 2 Units.
A survey of song literature. Designed as an overview of the song repertoire, German Lieder.
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 156B. Song Literature. 2 Units.
A survey of song literature. Designed as an overview of the song repertoire, French mélodie.
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 157. Advanced Study in Composition. 4 Units.
MUSIC 158A. Diction. 2 Units.
In-depth study of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), including its transcription and pronunciation, and its application for singers. Introduction to IPA and Italian diction.
Restriction: Music - Performance Majors only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 158B. Diction. 2 Units.
In-depth study of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), including its transcription and pronunciation, and its application for singers. German diction.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 158A
Restriction: Music - Performance Majors only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 158C. Diction. 2 Units.
In-depth study of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), including its transcription and pronunciation, and its application for singers. French Diction.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 158A and MUSIC 158B
Restriction: Music - Performance Majors only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 160. University Orchestra. 2 Units.
Study and performance of standard orchestral repertory and works by contemporary composers. Membership is open to all qualified students by audition only.
Prerequisite: Audition required.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
MUSIC 161. Wind Ensemble. 2 Units.
Study and performance of works written for varying combinations of wind and percussion instruments. Membership is open to all qualified students by audition only.
Prerequisite: Audition required.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
MUSIC 162. University Chorus. 2 Units.
Make-up of the ensembles varies and may include University Chorus, Chamber Choir, Madrigal Singers, Women's Chorus, and Reading Choir. Membership is open to all students.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
MUSIC 162P. University Chorus: Accompanying. 2 Units.
Keyboard accompanying for one of the UCI choral organizations, with individual coaching in sight reading, score reading, and other accompanying skills.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 12 times.
MUSIC 164. Opera Workshop. 2-4 Units.
Preparation and performance of operatic repertoire, including arias, scenes, and fully staged operas, and/or stage training and role analysis.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 164P. Opera Workshop: Accompanying. 2-4 Units.
Training in techniques and operatic repertory for keyboard players.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
MUSIC 165. Piano for Music Performance Majors. 2 Units.
Private weekly lessons. Materials fee.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times.
Restriction: Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 166. Strings for Music Performance Majors. 2 Units.
Private weekly lessons. Materials fee.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times.
Restriction: Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 166P. String Accompaniment. 2 Units.
Chamber ensemble experience with the solo string repertory for keyboard, participation in the weekly string master class, performance in public recitals.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 3 times.
MUSIC 167. Winds for Music Performance Majors. 2 Units.
Private weekly lessons. Materials fee.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times.
Restriction: Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 168. Voice for Music Performance Majors. 2 Units.
Private weekly lessons. Materials fee.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times.
Restriction: Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 169. Percussion for Music Performance Majors. 2 Units.
Private weekly lessons. Materials fee.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times.
Restriction: Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 170. Guitar, Lute, and Other Plucked Instruments for Music Performance Majors. 2 Units.
Private weekly lessons and a weekly master class/workshop for the discussion of solo repertory and performance practice, including special topics such as historical notational systems, traditional American guitar styles, and demonstrations of period plucked instruments. Materials fee.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times.
Restriction: Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 171. Chamber Singers. 2 Units.
A select ensemble specializing in vocal chamber music from all periods. Frequent performances on and off campus. Membership is open to all singers by audition.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
MUSIC 176. Chamber Ensembles . 2 Units.
Make-up of the ensembles varies and may include various Classical ensembles, Latin Jazz Ensemble, Small Jazz Combos, Percussion Ensemble, and Guitar Ensemble. Membership is open to all qualified students by audition only.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Music Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Music - Performance Majors have first consideration for enrollment.
MUSIC 178. Jazz Orchestra. 2 Units.
Rehearsal and performance of literature written for large jazz ensemble with emphasis on methods and materials. Laboratory setting for new arrangers and/or composers of modern jazz pieces.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
MUSIC 181. Improvisation. 4 Units.
Improvisation has been central to all music traditions. Course explores real-time music-making in a variety of non-notated contexts. Different improvisational styles are presented, including jazz, Asian improvisation, and experimental modern music. Emphasis on actual classroom performance.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 182. Advanced Jazz Combo. 2 Units.
Small-group jazz ensemble and improvisational workshop. Range of music covered encompasses the full traditional jazz from improvised ragtime up through the most current avant-garde musical techniques.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
MUSIC 183A. Jazz Composition I. 4 Units.
Performance and lecture course for writing and performing original jazz compositions. Emphasis is placed on composing as a way to create new improvisational frameworks. Cyclical forms, modal compositions, blues-oriented compositions, and ballad writing.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 78 and MUSIC 132
Restriction: Music Majors only.
MUSIC 183B. Jazz Composition II. 4 Units.
Performance and lecture course for writing and performing original jazz compositions. Emphasis is placed on composing as a way to create new improvisational frameworks. Non-functional harmony, contemporary forms, free-bop, and current trends.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 78 and MUSIC 132 and MUSIC 183A
Restriction: Music Majors only.
MUSIC 183C. Jazz Composition III. 4 Units.
Performance and lecture course for writing and performing original jazz compositions. Emphasis is placed on composing as a way to create new improvisational frameworks. Study of modern tonal-center compositions, intervallic compositions, and alternate rhythms.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 78 and MUSIC 132 and MUSIC 183A and MUSIC 183B
Restriction: Music Majors only.
MUSIC 189. Accompanying for Plucked Strings: Continuo and Changes. 2 Units.
Students apply theory to their instruments as they learn the basics of pre-1800 continuo playing and post-1900 jazz charts. Includes discussions of appropriate repertory, treatment of harmonic progressions, and finer points of style and technique.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 16C
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 191. Tutorial in Music. 1-4 Units.
Supplemental instruction related to student's area of study. Taken only when the materials studied lie outside regular departmental offerings, and when the student has no formal chance to pursue the subject.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate advisor approval required.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 3 times.
MUSIC 193. Conducting. 4 Units.
MUSIC 195A. Senior Thesis. 2 Units.
With consultation in regularly scheduled meetings, students identify and study relevant texts and materials and prepare a prospectus for an original thesis.
Prerequisite: Senior standing in the Honors Program in Music and Culture.
Grading Option: In Progress (Letter Grade with P/NP).
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 195B. Senior Thesis. 2 Units.
Students submit an outline and preliminary drafts of section of their thesis to the instructor, on a schedule supervised by the instructor. The final version will address the instructor's comments and criticisms.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 195A
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 197. Word and Music. 2 Units.
Performance class for advanced singers and pianists with emphasis on collaborative approach to vocal literature.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 199. Independent Study. 2-4 Units.
Student-devised research/composition project, with faculty guidance, resulting in a formal paper/project. Taken only when materials studied lie outside regular departmental offerings or when students have no formal chance to pursue the subject.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate or graduate advisor approval required.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 3 times.
Restriction: Music Majors only. Music - Performance Majors only.
MUSIC 200. Bibliography and Research. 4 Units.
Required of all entering students. A systematic introduction to the bibliographical tools both in the general field of music and in the student's areas of specialization.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 202. Proseminar in Musicology. 4 Units.
Introduces significant issues and recent developments in musicology and music criticism, including exposure to the controversies that have brought change and reflection to the discipline.
Corequisite: Recommended for musicology students: MUSIC 200
Prerequisite or corequisite: MUSIC 200. MUSIC 200 with a grade of B or better
Restriction: Graduate students only.
MUSIC 203. Music Thesis . 4 Units.
MUSIC 204. Proseminar in Music Theory and Analysis. 4 Units.
Introduction to music theories, analytic approaches, and methodologies as applied to repertories drawn from Western art and popular music.
Corequisite: Recommended for musicology students: MUSIC 200
Prerequisite or corequisite: MUSIC 200. MUSIC 200 with a grade of B or better
Restriction: Graduate students only.
MUSIC 209. Seminar in Creative Practices. 1-4 Units.
Core first-year seminar required for graduate students in the Integrated Composition, Improvisation, and Technology emphasis of the M.A. and Ph.D. programs. Composition and presentation of original student works, lecture, and discussion.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 3 times.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 210. Choral Conducting . 4 Units.
Intensive private instruction and study of the various choral literatures.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 211. Performance . 4 Units.
Contents vary according to the student's major instrument. Intensive private instruction and study of the various literatures.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 6 times.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 212. Composition. 4 Units.
Intensive work in composition geared to each student's level of competence.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 214. Graduate Recital.
Performance of public recital.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 2 times.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 215A. Computer Music Composition and Production. 4 Units.
Study of the composition and production of music made uniquely possible by the computer, including usage of prevalent digital music technology, techniques of digital signal processing, and computer control of synthesizers and audio processors.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 222. Seminar in Musicology . 4 Units.
Focuses on current scholarship in musicology and related fields with a strong critical content. Addresses topics relative to their historical and stylistic periods. Recent topics have included Stravinsky, Holy Women, Mahler, Historiography, Issues in Performance Practice, and Brahms’s Chamber Music.
Corequisite: Recommended for musicology students: MUSIC 200
Prerequisite or corequisite: MUSIC 200. MUSIC 200 with a grade of B or better
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Graduate students only.
MUSIC 224. Seminar in Music Theory and Analysis. 4 Units.
Typical topics include Schenkerian theory and analysis, contemporary form theory, and advanced techniques in the analysis of late 19th-century and contemporary music (e.g., transformational theory, Neo-Riemannian, and scale network theory).
Corequisite: Recommended for musicology students: MUSIC 200
Prerequisite or corequisite: MUSIC 200. MUSIC 200 with a grade of B or better
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Restriction: Graduate students only.
MUSIC 231. Improvisation. 4 Units.
Introduces the practice and history of improvisation in diverse fields of Western music since 1950. Performance projects and group critiques, weekly reading and listening assignments, participation in a class concert, and a research paper.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 235. Critical Studies in Music. 4 Units.
A critical examination of music traditions, institutions, and aesthetics, employing new scholarship in music and new critical studies in other disciplines.
Corequisite: Recommended for musicology students: MUSIC 200
Prerequisite or corequisite: MUSIC 200. MUSIC 200 with a grade of B or better
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 236. Theoretical ICIT Seminar. 1-4 Units.
Seminar studying new genres and topics that integrate composition, improvisation, new technologies, and non-classical cultures.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 237. Practical ICIT Seminar. 1-4 Units.
Study of new practices and techniques that integrate composition, improvisation, new technologies, and non-classical cultures.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 239. Thesis Colloquium. 1-2 Units.
ICIT students present their thesis work-in-progress for discussion and criticism. Faculty and visiting artists/scholars also present their current work.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit for 8 units.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 240. Graduate Projects . 4 Units.
Substantial projects in performance, conducting, or composition (other than those specifically required for the degree), accompanied by a summary paper.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 242A. First-Year Research and Writing Seminar I. 4 Units.
Guided reading for one quarter on a broad subject selected by the instructor, followed by one quarter in which the student undertakes independent research on the selected topic, leading to a substantial term paper.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 200. MUSIC 200 with a grade of B or better
Grading Option: In Progress (Letter Grade with S/U).
Restriction: Graduate students only.
MUSIC 242B. First-Year Research and Writing Seminar II. 4 Units.
Guided reading for one quarter on a broad subject selected by the instructor, followed by one quarter in which the student undertakes independent research on the selected topic, leading to a substantial term paper.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 200 and MUSIC 242A. MUSIC 200 with a grade of B or better. MUSIC 242A with a grade of B or better
Restriction: Graduate students only.
MUSIC 243A. Second-Year Research and Writing Tutorial I. 4 Units.
In this two-quarter sequence, students gain expertise in a first area of research concentration by undertaking directed reading on a topic of their choice and then writing a paper of near-publishable length and quality on that topic.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 242B. MUSIC 242B with a grade of B or better
Grading Option: In Progress (Letter Grade with S/U).
Restriction: Graduate students only.
MUSIC 243B. Second-Year Research and Writing Tutorial II. 4 Units.
In this two-quarter sequence, students gain expertise in a first area of research concentration by undertaking directed reading on a topic of their choice and then writing a paper of near-publishable length and quality on that topic.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 243A. MUSIC 243A with a grade of B or better
Restriction: Graduate students only.
MUSIC 244. Readings for the Qualifying Examination. 4-12 Units.
Directed reading in preparation for the Qualifying Examination.
Prerequisite: MUSIC 243B. MUSIC 243B with a grade of B or better
Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Graduate students only.
MUSIC 245. Prospectus Research. 4-12 Units.
MUSIC 250. Directed Research. 4 Units.
Preparation for qualifying exams in ICIT or an individual research project, resulting in a substantial paper or comparable documentation of the research results.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 276. Contemporary Ensemble. 2 Units.
Chamber ensemble for the performance of contemporary music, including newly composed and improvised forms.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 290. Dissertation Research. 4-12 Units.
Research and writing of a Ph.D. dissertation.
Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Graduate students only.
MUSIC 299. Independent Study. 2-4 Units.
Student-devised research/composition project, with faculty guidance, resulting in a formal paper/project. Taken only when materials studied lie outside regular departmental offerings or when students have no formal chance to pursue the subject.
Prerequisite: Graduate advisor approval required.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 3 times.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Music Majors only.
MUSIC 399. University Teaching. 1-4 Units.
Limited to Teaching Assistants.
Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Graduate students only.