2024-25 Edition

Information and Computer Science, M.S.

This program is no longer accepting students. Please visit the ICS website for more information.

M.S. students may select one of two options, the thesis plan or the comprehensive examination plan, as described on the Requirements tab.

This program is no longer accepting students. Please visit the ICS website for more information.

M.S. students may select one of two options, the thesis plan or the comprehensive examination plan, as described below. The normative time for completion of the M.S. is two years. All study must be completed within four calendar years from the date of admission.

Plan I: Thesis Plan

The thesis option is available for graduate students who may wish to continue on to a Ph.D. program or those who wish to concentrate on a specific problem. To qualify for this option, students must be in good academic standing with their Department. The student must enroll in at least two quarters of Thesis Supervision (COMPSCI 298 or IN4MATX 298) that will substitute for two required courses as specified under the concentration area or specialization of choice. All required courses must be completed with a grade of B or better, and the student must write a research or thesis project. A committee of three faculty members (voting members of the Academic Senate) will guide the student and give final approval of the thesis. The committee will consist of an advisor (faculty member from the student’s department) who is willing to supervise the thesis project, and two other faculty members (one of which must be from the student’s department) who are willing to serve on the committee as readers of the thesis. An oral presentation of the thesis to the committee will be required. Seminar courses that have an “S” suffix (e.g., 209S) do not count toward degree requirements.

Plan II: Comprehensive Examination Plan

The student completes the required units as specified under the concentration area. Each course must be completed with a grade of B or better. Seminar courses that have an “S” suffix (e.g., 209S) do not count toward degree requirements. The student must take a comprehensive examination given by ICS faculty. The examination covers the core requirements.