2024-25 Edition

Epidemiology, Ph.D.

Andy Odegaard, Ph.D., Doctoral Program Director

The mission of the Ph.D. program in Epidemiology is to train and educate graduate students, so they are on a path to becoming independent scientists who can formulate original research questions, lead epidemiologic related research, as well as teach and communicate epidemiologic methods and research findings to scientific and lay groups. Ph.D. students receive further training in advanced epidemiologic and biostatistical methods, develop content expertise in an area relevant to their research interests, gain experience and practice communicating via coursework, seminars, research experience, and serving as Teaching Assistants

The first year is largely devoted to required course work in epidemiology, biostatistics, and developing content expertise of individual research interests via elective courses and directed study. There is a comprehensive written exam at the end of the first year on core epidemiologic and biostatistical methods to ensure basic mastery. The second year has further coursework in advanced epidemiologic methods and concepts, further biostatical training, and continued development of content expertise specific to individual research interests with elective courses and directed study courses. Most to all coursework is complete after two academic years and the student is expected to advance to candidacy sometime during the third year by presenting and defending a PhD thesis proposal to the faculty. The remaining time with the program is largely devoted to completing the thesis. The formal defense of the thesis is a public event. The overall course of study is expected to be three to five years. Graduates typically go on to post-doctoral academic positions, research scientist positions, faculty positions, or positions in government or industry.

Master’s level degrees in epidemiology, public health, other health-related disciplines, or clinical training are the preferred preparation for admission to the Ph.D. in Epidemiology. However, applicants with background in other disciplines are encouraged to apply but may be required to take supplementary courses to fulfill pre-requisites for some graduate level courses in epidemiology and biostatistics. 

Applicants must meet the general admission requirements of the UCI Graduate Division and submit both the Application for Graduate Admission and the School of Public Health Application Service (SOPHAS) application to be considered for admission. 

Applications to graduate study in the Department of Epidemiology are available through the Graduate Division website. Contact EpiGrad@uci.edu for additional information.

Ph.D. students who do not have a degree from a Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH)-accredited public health school or program, must take PUBHLTH 200 to meet the CEPH-required 12 learning objectives.

Ph.D. requirements: At least 72 quarter credit units and at least 12 dissertation unit credits (84 units total).

In addition to completing the course requirements for the M.S. in Epidemiology, Ph.D. students are required to complete the following.

Program Requirements

A. Complete:
EPIDEM 200D Advanced Epidemiologic Methods and Causal Inference I
EPIDEM 202 Genetic Epidemiology
EPIDEM 204D Biostatistics IV: Survival Analysis
EPIDEM 282 Epidemiology Department Seminar (must be taken four times for the Ph.D.)
EPIDEM 297 PhD Degree Dissertation Research & Writing (must be taken for at least 12 units, taken in lieu of EPIDEM 296)
B. Complete 20 units of electives/directed study selected from the list below

Approved Electives

EPIDEM 200E Advanced Epidemiologic Methods and Causal Inference II
EPIDEM 201 Cancer Epidemiology
EPIDEM 205 Environmental Epidemiology
EPIDEM 212 Methods for Design and Implementation of Epidemiologic Research
EPIDEM 215 Introduction to Statistical Genetics
EPIDEM 232 Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention
EPIDEM 244 Toxic Chemicals in Environment
EPIDEM 275 Special Topics in Epidemiology
EPIDEM 298 Directed Study in Epidemiology
EPIDEM 299 Independent Study in Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 208 Advances in Social Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 209 Methods of Demographic Analysis
PUBHLTH 210 Theory-Driven Secondary Data Analysis
PUBHLTH 213 Epidemiology in Global Health
PUBHLTH 222A Health Policy and Management
PUBHLTH 223 Risk Communication
PUBHLTH 242 Theories of Health Communication
PUBHLTH 244 Health Behavior Theory
PUBHLTH 245 Health Promotion Planning
PUBHLTH 246 Social Research Methods
PUBHLTH 247 Program Evaluation
PUBHLTH 248 Fundamentals of Maternal and Child Health - Programs, Problems, and Policy
PUBHLTH 251 Models of Practice and Intervention at the Community Level
PUBHLTH 264 Introduction to Environmental Health Science
PUBHLTH 269 Air Pollution, Climate, and Health
PUBHLTH 272 Health Psychology
PUBHLTH 275 Environmental Modeling and Risk Management
PUBHLTH 277A Target Organ Toxicology I
PUBHLTH 277B Target Organ Toxicology II
PUBHLTH 278 Industrial Toxicology
PUBHLTH 279 Special Topics in Environmental & Occupational Health
PUBHLTH 280 Global Burden of Disease
PUBHLTH 281 Infectious Disease Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 282 Climate Change and Global Health
PUBHLTH 283 Geographic Information Systems for Public Health
PUBHLTH 286 Advanced Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 287 Qualitative Research Methods in Public Health
PUBHLTH 289 Special Topics in Global Health and Disease Prevention
PUBHLTH 290 Special Topics in Public Health
PUBHLTH 291A Seminar: Advances and Challenges in Public Health
PUBHLTH 291B Seminar: Advances and Challenges in Public Health
PUBHLTH 291C Seminar: Advances and Challenges in Public Health
PUBHLTH 292 Ethics and Responsible Conduct of Research in Public Health
PUBHLTH 293 Foundations of Clinical and Translational Science
PUBHLTH 294 Research Communication in Public Health
PUBHLTH 297 Research Design and Proposal Writing
PUBHLTH 298 Directed Studies in Public Health
PUBHLTH 299 Independent Study in Public Health
EHS 201 Case Studies in Environmental Toxicology
EHS 202 Principles of Environmental Toxicology
EHS 204 Neurotoxicology
EHS 212 Inhalation Toxicology
EHS 290 Independent Study in Environmental Toxicology
EHS 297 Advanced Topics in Occupational Toxicology
EHS 298 Seminar in Environmental Health Sciences
EHS 299 Research Problems