Department of Philosophy

Aaron James, Department Chair
85 Humanities Instructional Building
The Department of Philosophy is world-class and has particular strengths in three main areas: Epistemology, philosophy of mind and metaphysics, pursued with analytic methodologies but open to the influences of the continental tradition; Social philosophy, broadly construed to include value theory (especially moral, political and legal philosophy) and the philosophy of social phenomena; and History of philosophy, including ancient, modern, and contemporary philosophy, both analytic and continental.
UC Irvine’s philosophy graduate program is jointly administered by the Department of Philosophy in the School of Humanities and the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science in the School of Social Sciences. The graduate program is ranked among the top programs in the United States, and among the very best in a number of subfields of philosophy (see the Philosophical Gourmet Report). Graduate applications need to be addressed either to the Department of Philosophy, or to the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, depending on the dominant interests of the student. But graduate students have full access to all the courses and faculty of the two Departments. We have been able to place our Ph.D. students at well-reputed universities and colleges.
The success of our undergraduate program is based on a rigorous education both in historical and in contemporary issues. Because of the collaboration between the two Departments undergraduate and graduate students can take courses ranging from philosophy of quantum mechanics and decision theory to social epistemology and the philosophy of race. The fact that our majors have gone on to study in first-rate graduate programs and to pursue successful careers in law and medicine is a testament to the quality of the program.
Affiliate Faculty
PHILOS 1. Introduction to Philosophy. 4 Units.
A selection of philosophical problems, concepts, and methods, e.g., free will, cause and substance, personal identity, the nature of philosophy itself.
PHILOS 2. Puzzles and Paradoxes. 4 Units.
Introduction to the formal tools needed to comprehend and evaluate philosophical arguments and theoretical reasoning in general.
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PHILOS 3. Technology and Society. 4 Units.
A study of the nature of technology, its relation to human values, the philosophical assumptions in its development, and the philosophical implications of technology.
PHILOS 4. Introduction to Ethics. 4 Units.
Selected topics from the history of ethics, e.g., the nature of the good life and the moral justification of conduct.
PHILOS 5. Contemporary Moral Problems. 4 Units.
Selected moral issues of current interest, e.g., abortion, sexual morality, euthanasia, capital punishment, reverse discrimination, civil disobedience, or violence.
PHILOS 10. History of Ancient Philosophy. 4 Units.
Examination of the central philosophical themes developed by the pre-Socratics, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, the Epicureans, and the Skeptics.
PHILOS 12. History of Modern Philosophy. 4 Units.
A study of major developments in western philosophy from Descartes to Kant with readings from Descartes, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and Kant.
Prerequisite: Recommended: PHILOS 10 or PHILOS 11.
PHILOS 13. History of Contemporary Philosophy. 4 Units.
A study of recent philosophical developments in Anglo-American and Continental philosophy with readings from such figures as Russell, Moore, Wittgenstein, Quine, Heidegger, and Sartre.
Prerequisite: Recommended: PHILOS 12.
PHILOS 21. Philosophy and Religion. 4 Units.
Examines the intersection of religion and philosophy from a standpoint that does not presuppose previous academic study of either. Both Western and Eastern traditions and perspectives may be explored.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as REL STD 21.
PHILOS 22. Introduction to Law and Society. 4 Units.
What constitutes a legal system? What does it mean for a society to have a system as a part of the social fabric? Examines the social status of law and its use as a tool for fashioning society.
PHILOS 29. Critical Reasoning. 4 Units.
Introduction to analysis and reasoning. The concepts of argument, premise, and conclusion, validity and invalidity, consistency and inconsistency. Identifying and assessing premises and inferences. Deductive versus inductive reasoning, and introduction to the probability calculus. Evaluating definitions. Informal fallacies.
Same as LPS 29.
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PHILOS 30. Introduction to Symbolic Logic. 4 Units.
PHILOS 31. Introduction to Inductive Logic. 4 Units.
Philosophical questions concerning the foundations of scientific inference, e.g., the traditional problem of induction, the Goodman paradox, the concept of cause, Mill's method of inductive reasoning, probability calculus, different interpretations of probability, and their interaction in inductive reasoning.
Same as LPS 31.
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PHILOS 40. Special Topics in Philosophy. 4 Units.
Lectures on selected topics at the lower-division level.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 41. The Nature of Scientific Inquiry. 4 Units.
Investigates the nature, scope, and status of scientific knowledge and the methods used to acquire it. Uses concrete historical examples from a variety of scientific fields to identify distinctive features of the scientific enterprise and explore their significance.
Same as LPS 40.
PHILOS 91. The Philosophy of Sex. 4 Units.
PHILOS 100W. Writing Philosophy. 4 Units.
Discussion of those aspects of writing of special importance in philosophy, e.g., philosophical terminology, techniques for evaluating arguments, philosophical definitions and theories. At least 4,000 words of assigned composition based on philosophical readings.
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of the Lower-Division Writing requirement.
Same as LPS 100W.
Restriction: Upper-division students only.
PHILOS 101. Introduction to Metaphysics. 4 Units.
A study of one or more of the problems of "first philosophy," e.g., substance, free will, causation, abstract entities, identity.
PHILOS 102W. Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge. 4 Units.
A study of one or more of the basic issues in epistemology, e.g., the role of perception in the acquisition of knowledge, the nature of evidence, the distinction between belief and knowledge, and the nature of truth and certainty.
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of the Lower-Division Writing requirement.
Overlaps with PHILOS 102, LPS 102.
PHILOS 103. Introduction to Moral Philosophy. 4 Units.
A study of one or more of the problems of contemporary moral philosophy, e.g., the nature of justice, liberalism versus conservatism, happiness and its relation to virtue and right conduct, the objectivity of moral standards.
PHILOS 104. Introduction to Logic. 4 Units.
PHILOS 105A. Introduction to Set Theory and Mathematical Reasoning. 4 Units.
PHILOS 105B. Metalogic. 4 Units.
PHILOS 105C. Undecidability and Incompleteness. 4 Units.
Introduction to the formal theory of effective processes, including recursive functions, Turing machines, Church's thesis, and proofs of Göedel's incompleteness theorem for arithmetic, and Church's undecidability theorem for first-order logic.
Prerequisite: LSCI 145B or LPS 105B or PHILOS 105B
Concurrent with LPS 205C.
PHILOS 106. Topics in Logic . 4 Units.
Selected topics in mathematical or philosophical logic.
Prerequisite: (LPS 105A or PHILOS 105A or LSCI 145A) and (LPS 105B or PHILOS 105B or LSCI 145B) and (LPS 105C or PHILOS 105C or LSCI 145C)
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 108. Topics in Induction, Probability, and Decision Theory. 4 Units.
Selected topics in induction, probability, and decision theory.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 108.
PHILOS 110. Topics in Ancient Philosophy. 4 Units.
Selected topics from the writings of Plato and Aristotle, e.g., Aristotle's criticisms of Plato's metaphysics, ethics, or politics.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 2 times as topics vary.
PHILOS 111. Topics in Medieval Philosophy. 4 Units.
Studies of some of the major issues of concern to Medieval philosophers, e.g., universals, the nature and existence of God, faith, and reason.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 2 times as topics vary.
PHILOS 113. Topics in Modern Philosophy. 4 Units.
Focuses on the works of central philosophical figures of modern Philosophy (e.g., Descartes, Leibniz, Hobbes, Locke, Hume, Kant) or on the treatment of one or more central philosophical problems by a number of these figures.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 113.
PHILOS 114. Topics in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy. 4 Units.
Studies of some of the major figures after Kant (e.g., Hegel, Nietzsche, Marx, Kierkegaard), especially in German idealism and social thought.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 115. Topics in History of Analytic Philosophy. 4 Units.
Review of central theories or figures in the history of analytic philosophy. Emphasis on writings of Frege, Russell, Schlick, Carnap, and Quine. Topics include the nature of meaning and truth, the synthetic/analytic distinction, and scientific knowledge.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 115.
PHILOS 117. Topics in Asian Philosophy. 4 Units.
Selected topics in the philosophies of Asia, e.g. Jainism, Buddhism, Yoga, Vedanta, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shinto.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 120. Topics in Metaphysics. 4 Units.
Examines central philosophical questions concerning our own fundamental nature and that of the world around us (e.g., causation and necessity, determination, free will, personal identity, the mind-body problem).
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 120.
PHILOS 121. Topics in the Theory of Knowledge . 4 Units.
One or more topics in the theory of knowledge, e.g., the nature of rational justification, of perceptual knowledge, of a priori knowledge.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 121.
PHILOS 121A. Medical Epistemology. 4 Units.
Analysis of epistemological issues concerning medical research and health care. Topics may include medical evidence, transmission of medical knowledge, medical expertise, the epistemology of medical disagreement, classification of illnesses, well-being, philosophy of pain, and medical decision making.
PHILOS 122. Topics in Philosophy of Mind. 4 Units.
Selected topics involving the concept of mind, e.g., the relation between mind and body, the self, personal identity, consciousness, the unconscious.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 123. Topics in Philosophy of Religion. 4 Units.
Critical examination of concepts involved in the theological literature, e.g., the nature and existence of God, miracles, the problem of evil, divine command theories in ethics.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 124. Topics in Feminist Epistemology. 4 Units.
Investigates the nature of knowledge from a feminist standpoint. Emphasizes the relevance of the knower’s gender and social situatedness in knowledge practices against a traditional account of knowledge as a detached activity of an independent, neutral subject.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 130. Topics in Moral Philosophy. 4 Units.
Selected topics in ethics.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 131A. Applied Ethics. 4 Units.
Topics may include capital punishment, world hunger, obligations to future generations, environmental ethics, animal rights, economic justice, sexual morality, affirmative action, racism and sexism, or legalization of drugs.
PHILOS 131C. Medical Ethics. 4 Units.
Analysis of moral issues concerning health care. Topics may include just allocation of scarce medical resources, the doctor/patient relationship, genetic engineering, surrogate motherhood, abortion, euthanasia, or social policy concerning AIDS.
Same as REL STD 175.
PHILOS 133. Topics in Philosophy of Law. 4 Units.
Selected topics concerning legal systems and the concept of law, e.g., the nature and purpose of law, the nature of authority, the relationship between law and morality, law and political-economic systems.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 134. Topics in Philosophy of Gender and Race. 4 Units.
Controversies about race and racism, and sex and sexism, continue to play an important role in the public domain. Explores philosophical questions relating to gender and race.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 135A. The Scientific Revolution. 4 Units.
An examination of early modern European science from 1500-1700. Includes primary readings from central figures (Copernicus, Harvey, Bacon, Descartes, et al.); themes include the impact of printing, humanism, patronage, technology, and discussion of the term "revolution" in this context.
Same as LPS 135A, HISTORY 135A.
PHILOS 140. Topics in Philosophy of Science. 4 Units.
Selected topics in contemporary philosophy of science, e.g., the status of theoretical entities, the confirmation of theories, the nature of scientific explanation.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 140.
PHILOS 141B. Geometry and Spacetime. 4 Units.
PHILOS 141D. Probability and Determinism. 4 Units.
PHILOS 143. Topics in Philosophy of Psychology. 4 Units.
Selected topics in the philosophy of psychology, e.g., the nature of psychological explanation, reductionism, issues in cognitive, behavioral, and neuroscience.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 143, PSYCH 123P.
Restriction: Philosophy Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Psychology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.
PHILOS 144. Topics in Philosophy of Social Science. 4 Units.
Selected topics in the philosophy of the social sciences, e.g.: Is their goal to understand behavior or to predict and control it? Are they normative and the natural sciences not? Do they incorporate philosophical doctrines about language and mind?.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 144.
PHILOS 145. Topics in Philosophy of Language. 4 Units.
PHILOS 147. Topics in Philosophy of Mathematics. 4 Units.
Selected historical and contemporary topics in the philosophy of mathematics, e.g., mathematical truth and ontology, mathematical knowledge, the nature and role of proof, the workings of mathematics in application.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 147.
PHILOS 150. Phenomenology . 4 Units.
A study of the foundations of phenomenology in Husserl and its background in Bolzano, Frege, Brentano, Meinong, Kant, and Descartes.
PHILOS 162. Social Ontology. 4 Units.
Examines how things in one’s social environment exist. Such things are compared and contrasted to others in what might be regarded as the given, natural environment. Topics discussed include natural kinds; artifacts; essentialism; constructivism; intentionality; agency.
PHILOS 163. Social Epistemology. 4 Units.
Social epistemology is specifically concerned with questions concerning knowledge and justification that arise in a social context. Topics discussed include testimony, experts, disagreement, group knowledge, feminist epistemology, legal epistemology, and epistemology of education.
PHILOS 164. Well-Being. 4 Units.
Examines what it is that makes a life good (or bad) for the person who lives it. Topics include hedonism, desire-satisfaction theories of well-being (as well as other such theories), the notion of harm, the possibility of posthumous harm.
PHILOS 165. Philosophy of Action. 4 Units.
Philosophy of action is specifically concerned with questions concerning the nature of acting, and related phenomena such as intending, willing, trying, and trusting. It deals both with individual and group action and their moral and epistemological underpinnings.
PHILOS 190. Special Topics in Philosophy. 4 Units.
Lectures on selected topics to be given by regular faculty and visiting faculty.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 199. Directed Special Studies. 2-4 Units.
Independent study on a research topic supervised by a faculty member.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
PHILOS 199H. Honors Directed Special Studies. 2 Units.
Independent study on a research topic supervised by a faculty member, with the objective of preparing the Department of Philosophy honors paper.
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 2 times.
PHILOS 200. Special Topics in Philosophy. 4 Units.
Seminars on selected topics to be given by regular faculty and visiting faculty.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 201. First-Year Seminar. 4 Units.
An examination of some standard works in the history of philosophy, value theory, metaphysics, or epistemology; required of all first-year Philosophy graduate students in the School of Humanities.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 2 times.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Philosophy Majors only. Logic and Philosophy of Sci Majors only.
PHILOS 205A. Introduction to Set Theory and Mathematical Reasoning. 4 Units.
An introduction to the basic working vocabulary of mathematical reasoning and proof. Topics include sets, Boolean operations, ordered n-tuples, relations, functions, induction, and their applications to mathematical philosophy.
Same as LPS 205A.
PHILOS 205B. Metalogic. 4 Units.
Formal syntax (proof theory) and semantics (model theory) for first-order logic, including the deduction, completeness, compactness, and Loewenheim-Skolem theorems.
Prerequisite: PHILOS 205A or LPS 205A. PHILOS 205A with a grade of B- or better. LPS 205A with a grade of B- or better
Same as LPS 205B.
PHILOS 205C. Undecidability and Incompleteness. 4 Units.
Formal theory of effective processes, including recursive function, Turing machines, Church's thesis, proofs of Goedel's incompleteness theorem for arithmetics, and Church's undecidability for first-order logic.
Prerequisite: PHILOS 205B or LPS 205B. PHILOS 205B with a grade of B- or better. LPS 205B with a grade of B- or better
Same as LPS 205C.
Restriction: Graduate students only.
Concurrent with LPS 105C.
PHILOS 206. Topics in Logic . 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of logic. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 206.
PHILOS 210. Topics in Ancient Philosophy. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of ancient philosophy. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 212. Topics in Renaissance Philosophy. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of renaissance philosophy. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 213. Topics in Modern Philosophy. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of modern philosophy. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 213.
PHILOS 215. Topics in Analytic Philosophy. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of analytic philosophy. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 215.
PHILOS 218. Topics in Contemporary Philosophy. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of contemporary philosophy. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 220. Topics in Metaphysics. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of metaphysics. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 220.
PHILOS 221. Topics in Epistemology. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of epistemology. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 221.
PHILOS 221A. Medical Epistemology. 4 Units.
Analysis of epistemological issues concerning medical research and healthcare. Topics may include medical evidence, transmission of medical knowledge in the doctor-patient interaction, medical expertise, epistemology of medical disagreement, classification of illness, well-being, philosophy of pain, or medical decision making.
Same as LPS 221A.
Restriction: Graduate students only.
PHILOS 222. Topics in Mind and Action. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of mind and action. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Restriction: Graduate students only.
PHILOS 230. Topics in Ethics . 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of ethics. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
PHILOS 232. Topics in Political and Social Philosophy. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of political and social philosophy. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 232.
PHILOS 240. Topics in Philosophy of Science. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of philosophy of science. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 240.
PHILOS 241. Topics in Philosophy of Physics. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of philosophy of physics. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 241.
PHILOS 242. Topics in Philosophy of Biology. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of philosophy of biology. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 242.
PHILOS 243. Topics in Philosophy of Psychology. 4 Units.
Selected topics in the philosophy of psychology, e.g., the nature of psychological explanation, reductionism, issues in cognitive, behavioral, and neuroscience.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 243.
PHILOS 244. Topics in Philosophy of Social Science. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of philosophy and social science. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 244.
PHILOS 245. Topics in Philosophy of Language. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of philosophy of language. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 245.
PHILOS 246. Topics in Philosophy of Logic. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of philosophy of logic. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 246.
PHILOS 247. Topics in Philosophy of Mathematics. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of philosophy of mathematics. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Same as LPS 247.
PHILOS 298. Independent Study. 4-12 Units.
Independent research with Philosophy faculty.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
PHILOS 299. Directed Research. 4-12 Units.
Directed research with Philosophy faculty.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Graduate students only.
PHILOS 399. University Teaching. 4 Units.
Limited to Teaching Assistants.
Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Graduate students only.