2024-25 Edition

Psychological Science, B.A.

The Psychological Science major provides students a foundation to pursue graduate work in psychology, or to find employment after graduation in the areas of public health, health services, human resources, marketing, social work, counseling, law, education, and related fields. The major focuses on determinants of human health, well-being, and functioning in a broad range of developmental, social, cultural, and environmental contexts. Undergraduate students begin with basic course work in developmental psychology, health and preclinical (abnormal) psychology, and social psychology. Subsequent courses cover such topics as social, emotional, and cognitive development in children, adolescents, adults; behavioral disorders and developmental psychopathology; counseling and therapy; cultural, social, and personality influences on behavior; attitude formation and change; health psychology; stress and coping; and psychology and the law. Opportunities are available to work with faculty members on research in these and other areas. Undergraduate research experience provides a valuable background for entry into many graduate programs.

Field study opportunities exist in hospitals, community health clinics, counseling centers, legal settings, environmental programs, social service agencies, schools and after-school programs, child care settings, and a wide variety of other community programs that offer a broad range of services.

Students should be aware that psychology courses are offered in several different departments and programs at UCI. Students interested in developmental, clinical, social, emotional, health, cross-cultural, or environmental psychology, or in psychology and the law, are advised to consult the course listings for the Department of Psychological Science.

These courses offer students a solid foundation in general psychology.

Students interested in perception, sensorimotor integration, and mathematical psychology are advised to consult course listings for the Department of Cognitive Sciences.

All students must meet the University Requirements.
All students must meet the School Requirements.
Departmental Requirements

Thirteen courses (52 units) as specified below:

A. Psychology Fundamentals (12 units):
PSCI 11A Psychology Fundamentals
PSCI 11B Psychology Fundamentals
PSCI 11C Psychology Fundamentals
B. Four upper-division core courses (16 units):
PSCI 101D Life Span Developmental Psychology
PSCI 102C Abnormal Psychology
PSCI 103H Health Psychology
PSCI 104S Social Animal: An Introduction to Social Psychology
C. Six upper-division courses (24 units) chosen from the following:
C-1. Choose one course from three different groups:
Group 1: Developmental Psychology (PSCI 110D–134D, PSCI 138H, PSCI 152C, PSCI 153C, PSCI 155C)
Group 3: Pre-Clinical/Psychopathology (PSCI 139H, PSCI 141H, PSCI 143H, PSCI 150C–169C, PSCI 173S, PSCI 178S)
Group 4: Social, Personality, and Environmental Psychology (PSCI 116D, PSCI 121D, PSCI 126D, PSCI 127D, PSCI 170S–189S)
C-2. Three additional upper-division courses chosen from the specialty areas in C-1 above or from: 1
Special Topics in Social Behavior
PSCI 190A–193Z
Research Seminar in Psychological Science
Applied Statistics in Social and Behavioral Research
Honors Research
Honors Research

Three additional upper-division courses chosen from the specialty areas in C-1 above or from courses numbered PSCI 100, 190-193Z, 196, Social Ecology H190A, and H190W. NOTE: Courses used to satisfy requirement C-1 cannot be used to satisfy C-2; a maximum of two courses from 192A-Z and one 196 course may be counted toward the major.