2023-24 Edition

Master of Business Administration, Flex

Flex M.B.A.
Email: mbaprograms@exchange.uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-4565

The Flex MBA program gives emerging managers an opportunity to earn an MBA with minimal disruption to their professional lives. Students attend classes delivered in-person or online during the program. The Flex MBA enrolls new students in fall, winter, and spring quarters. Students that begin the program in spring attend classes nine consecutive quarters, including summers, and complete the program within 27 months. Students that begin the program in fall attend classes during the Fall-Spring academic year and complete the program within 33 months. Students also have the opportunity to accelerate their program to graduate in 21 months.

The program consists of both core courses and electives, allowing students to establish a solid foundation of traditional business skills and then customize their education based on personal interests and goals. The curriculum provides constant interaction between information presented in the classroom and what is being used on the job, reinforcing and enhancing the student’s learning experience.

A. Complete:
MGMT FE 200 Thinking Strategically in the Digital Age for Managers
MGMT FE 201A Business Analytics: Decision-Making for Managers
MGMT FE 202 Organizational Leadership for Managers
MGMT FE 203A Financial Reporting for Managers
MGMT FE 204A Microeconomics for Managers in the Digital Age
MGMT FE 205 Marketing Management
MGMT FE 207 Competing with Digital
MGMT FE 208 Operational Excellence: Processes, Principles, and Analytics
MGMT FE 209A Finance for Managers
MGMT FE 210 Strategy for Managers: Foundations and Dynamics
B. Select 36 units of electives.

During the course of the program, students attend three experiential residential courses including one abroad focusing on global markets. In this concentrated setting, students and faculty have an in-depth opportunity to explore a variety of business challenges and how those challenges can best be met using contemporary management tools.

Further information may be obtained by contacting the University of California, Irvine, Flex MBA Program Office, The Paul Merage School of Business, SB1 2500, Irvine, CA 92697-3125; 949-824-4565; or visit the Flex MBA website.