University Studies (UNI STU)
UNI STU 1. Freshman Experience. 2 Units.
An introduction to the freshman experience provides an overview of the University's aims and resources and exploration of developmental theories and skills necessary for academic success. Attention is also paid to questions of personal development and major choice. Materials fee.
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
UNI STU 3. Mini-Seminars . 1 Unit.
Designed primarily for freshmen as introduction to scholarly inquiry. Each section is taught by a faculty member from one of the academic disciplines and presents interesting and challenging topics representing the instructor's interest. Students participate in discussions, presentations, and projects.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 3 times as topics vary.
UNI STU 6. University Studies International Village Seminar. 1 Unit.
Seminars held in International Village that are specifically designed to either (a) introduce visiting international students to the U.S. and/or local area and institutions or (b) engage both international and U.S. students in discussion of topics of international interest.
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
UNI STU 7. UTeach: Student-Taught Seminar. 1 Unit.
Student-taught seminar courses on selected topics. Topics vary each year according to the interest of the students teaching the classes.
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 2 times.
UNI STU 10. Introduction to Civic and Community Engagement and Community Research. 4 Units.
Provides a foundation for understanding the role of public scholarship, civic engagement, and social action, and the relationship between service learning and engaged citizenship. Introduces key theoretical and research methodologies on the traditions and innovations of civic and community engagement.
UNI STU 18. Student Leadership Institute for Climate Resilience . 2 Units.
An overview of some of the major challenges and opportunities we face in building community climate resilience, as well as tools for action.
UNI STU 19. Introduction to Free Speech and Academic Freedom . 1 Unit.
An introduction to the principles of free speech and academic freedom with a focus on the public university context. Attention is paid to the historical evolution of the central concepts as well as real-world case studies.
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
UNI STU 20. Intercollegiate Athletics Seminar. 1 Unit.
Designed to provide first-year student-athletes a thorough overview of university life and to help ease their transition into higher education. Ensures that students are successful throughout their time at UC Irvine by developing.
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
UNI STU 21. Critical Thinking, Ethics, and Just Communities. 1 Unit.
Meets all three quarters of the academic year, focusing on expanding critical thinking, developing personal ethics, understanding diversity, equity and inclusion in on-campus residential communities.
UNI STU H30A. Critical Analysis of Health Science Literature. 4 Units.
Focuses on evaluation of scientific literature. Aspects of scientific inquiry include scientific method, scientific research design, statistical analysis, and publication processes. Addresses why scientific inquiry cannot be separated from sociocultural influences and concerns. Examples drawn from research on health-related issues.
Restriction: Campuswide Honors Collegium students only.
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UNI STU H30B. Environmental Issues Affecting the Sustainability of Societies I. 4 Units.
Focuses on several environmental challenges facing the world today, and explores the problem, possible solutions, and their scientific, technical, and social constraints. Models for systems, their assumptions, predictive uncertainty, and interpretation, play a large role.
Prerequisite: UNI STU H30A. UNI STU H30A with a grade of C or better
Overlaps with EARTHSS 15.
Restriction: Campuswide Honors Collegium students only.
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UNI STU H30C. Environmental Issues Affecting the Sustainability of Societies II. 4 Units.
Focuses on how we can use Earth’s resources, e.g., food and water, in a more sustainable way, exploring their scientific, technical, and social constraints.
Prerequisite: UNI STU H30B. UNI STU H30B with a grade of C or better
Restriction: Campuswide Honors Collegium students only.
UNI STU H30D. Social Science Perspectives on the Sustainability of Societies. 4 Units.
Introduces the perspectives of social science using examples from different countries to explore how social issues regarding sustainability are influenced by a society’s changing economic and political institutions, and how economic, political, and other social choices affect their sustainability.
Prerequisite: EARTHSS H30C. EARTHSS H30C with a grade of C or better
Restriction: Campuswide Honors Collegium students only.
UNI STU H30E. Cities: Focal Point for Sustainability Problems and Solutions I . 4 Units.
Explores the nature of cities, focusing on the challenges facing cities today, their possible solutions, and the technical and social constraints on those solutions.
Prerequisite: SOC SCI H30D
Restriction: Campuswide Honors Collegium students only.
UNI STU H30F. Cities: Focal Point for Sustainability Problems and Solutions II. 4 Units.
Explores the nature of cities, focusing on the challenges facing cities today, their possible solutions, and the technical and social constraints on those solutions.
Prerequisite: UPPP H30E
Restriction: Campuswide Honors Collegium students only.
UNI STU 43. Topics in Illuminations . 1 Unit.
This course connects students to Illuminations, the Chancellor’s Arts and Culture Initiative. Students will attend five Illuminations-sponsored events and engage in brief preparatory and reflective activities in response to these events.
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 3 times as topics vary.
UNI STU 45. Graduate School Opportunities and Preparation. 1 Unit.
Explores the opportunities associated with graduate school by considering a wide range of disciplines and career paths. Reviews professional and academic paths in graduate school and the ways to prepare for a chosen path.
UNI STU H80. Neurodivergent. 4 Units.
Examines the evolution of the diagnosis of autism through history. Deep inquiry of the neuroscience, etiology, and genetics of neurodivergent individuals as well as a review of the validity of the varied treatments will inform critical thinking.
Restriction: Campuswide Honors Collegium students only.
UNI STU 83. Pathways to University Success. 2 Units.
Helps first-year students transition to UC Irvine and promotes a successful University experience. Students learn about academic resources and programs that support acclimation to the campus and enhance academic development through lectures, discussions, and a range of co-curricular activities.
Overlaps with UNI STU 84.
UNI STU 84. Bridges to University Success. 4 Units.
Helps first-year students transition to UC Irvine and promotes a successful University experience. Students learn about academic resources/programs that support acclimation to the campus and enhance academic development through lectures, writing laboratories, discussions, and a range of co-curricular activities.
Overlaps with UNI STU 83.
UNI STU 85A. Leading from Within. 4 Units.
Students examine characteristics and behaviors of effective leaders. Study the history and theoretical framework for understanding effective leadership. In addition, examine their own leadership strengths and weaknesses and become familiar with the theory behind and use of comprehensive self-assessment tools.
UNI STU 85B. Leading Others. 4 Units.
Students examine best practices within a team environment. They learn goal setting, diagnosing performance problems, designing solutions, and recognizing relevant differences in culture, priorities, and values within a team through lectures, writing, discussions, and practical activities.
UNI STU 85C. Leading Change. 4 Units.
Focused on a global viewpoint, students learn the theoretical framework behind innovation and change management. Develop innovative solutions to real-world challenges, design strategies to bring an expansive vision into fruition, and learn to communicate a vision and strategies.
UNI STU 86. Leadership and Aikido. 1 Unit.
Covers practical applications of theories of leadership, communication, and self-efficacy through lessons in Aikido, personal reflection, and current articles. Focuses on skills that support academic and professional success.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 3 times.
UNI STU 87. Navigating Your UCI Journey: Foundations for Success. 1-2 Units.
Provides all incoming students with a core experience focused on building a solid foundation for academic success. Recognizes students' different backgrounds and is designed around modules that support academic success.
Restriction: Freshmen only.
UNI STU 93. Strategies for Success. 2 Workload Units.
Develops students' study skills for general education requirement courses through instruction, small group activities, and application assignments. Topics include goal setting, note taking, examination preparation, memory and concentration, and learning best practices.
Grading Option: Workload Credit P/NP Only.
UNI STU 100. Doing Research in the Community. 4 Units.
Critically reimagines the research endeavor and its participants/outcomes. Grapples with methods, values, and relationships involved in research. Explores alternative conceptions of research; focus is community-based. Students work in teams on real-world community research projects with faculty mentors and community partners.
Prerequisite: UNI STU 10
UNI STU 110. Philanthropy in the Community. 4 Units.
Introduces the role of community engagement, social action and philanthropy. Examines theories and practices of philanthropy, and strategies for social change. Involves hand-on engagement with philanthropy in the form of students making decisions about the distribution of a real fund.
UNI STU 170. Advanced Internship in Undergraduate Education. 1-2 Workload Units.
Advanced interns have a year's internship experience and return to contribute to Undergraduate Education programs in a leadership position. Students work three-five hours per week in a DUE office to coordinate or lead less-experienced interns and/or events.
Prerequisite: UNI AFF 1A and UNI AFF 1B and UNI AFF 1C
Grading Option: Workload Credit P/NP Only.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit for 6 units.
UNI STU 175. Methods and Application in Small Group Instruction. 2 Workload Units.
Explores various theories and methods of learning and development and their practical application in small group settings. Peer tutors receive instruction in the design, implementation, and evaluation of an effective learning environment for undergraduate students.
Grading Option: Workload Credit P/NP Only.
Restriction: Learning and Academic Resource Center employed tutors only.
UNI STU 176. Pedagogy of Small Group Facilitation - LAs. 2 Units.
Overview and readings in evidence-based instruction for undergraduate learning assistants. LAs receive instruction, training, and feedback on effective small group facilitation and active learning. To be taken while serving as a learning assistant in a course.
UNI STU H176A. Campuswide Honors Thesis Seminar. 2 Units.
Supports the honors thesis research activities of Campuswide Honors Collegium students. Students set research goals, discuss, and develop their research interests.
Corequisite: Students must sign up separately for 8 units of independent study with faculty mentors.
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
Restriction: Campuswide Honors Collegium students only.
UNI STU H176C. Campuswide Honors Thesis Seminar. 2 Units.
Supports the honors thesis research activities of Campuswide Honors Collegium students. Students work with each other to improve both written and spoken presentations of their results.
Corequisite: Students must sign up separately for 8 units of independent study with faculty mentors.
Prerequisite: UNI STU H176A
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
Restriction: Campuswide Honors Collegium students only.
UNI STU 190. Teaching Seminar: Theory and Practice. 2 Units.
For students selected to be discussion leaders for University Studies 1. Models of teaching, developmental theory applied to college freshmen, curriculum development. Practice of teaching techniques and group management skills.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 2 times.
UNI STU 192. Group Project for Discussion Leaders. 4 Units.
For discussion leaders for University Studies 1. Weekly discussion group training for leading effective groups in addition to evaluations of weekly discussion sections and completion of a special project on issues of freshman development. Materials fee.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 4 times.
Restriction: Discussion leaders only.
UNI STU 193. Internship. 2-4 Units.
Enables students from all majors to receive credit for an approved internship on or off-campus. Internship sites may be public or private, for profit or non-profit agencies, organizations, companies, or corporations offering paid or unpaid learning experiences.
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 3 times.
UNI STU 196. Directed Studies in Undergraduate Education. 1-4 Units.
Students do directed study (research, readings, etc.) on a topic related to Undergraduate Education under the supervision of one of the faculty who serve as Deans or Faculty Directors in the Division of Undergraduate Education.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit for 12 units.
UNI STU 197A. UTeach Special Study. 2 Units.
Students accepted to teach a UTeach course in spring quarter enroll in Special or Independent Study with their faculty mentor during the preceding fall quarter to develop their detailed course syllabus.
Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.
Restriction: UTeach Program students only.
UNI STU 197B. UTeach: Teaching Theory and Practice. 2 Units.
Students accepted to teach a UTeach course in spring quarter enroll during the winter to develop their teaching skills in preparation for teaching the following quarter.
Prerequisite: UNI STU 197A
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
Restriction: UTeach Program students only.
UNI STU 197C. UTeach: Teaching Practicum. 2 Units.
Students selected to teach in the UTeach Program teach their courses and meet weekly in a seminar to continue to develop and enhance their teaching skills.
Prerequisite: UNI STU 197B
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit 3 times.
Restriction: UTeach Program students only.
UNI STU 197D. Study Abroad Experiential Learning. 1 Unit.
Study abroad on an approved program. Complete critical reflection (written paper, blog, etc.) submitted no later than the end of the quarter following the completion of the study abroad program. Enroll while studying abroad or the quarter immediately following return.
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
UNI STU 197E. Reflections While Abroad. 1 Unit.
For students while they are studying abroad; maximizing learning outcomes by critically reflecting on learning experiences while abroad. Topics include cultural observations, professional issues, cultural competence, etc. Participants are located in different countries around the world.
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
UNI STU 197F. Internship Plus. 1 Unit.
Provides training and development of career readiness competencies in parallel with a student’s internship experience. Internship sites may be public or private, for profit or non-profit agencies, organizations, companies, or corporations offering paid or unpaid learning experiences.
Grading Option: Pass/no pass only.
UNI STU 198. Mentored Learning Assistant Field Work. 1-4 Units.
Oversight of trained learning assistants by the course instructor, including training in the discipline and responsibilities associated with supporting active group work. Instructor mentors LAs in how assisting small groups supports their career goals.
Corequisite: UNI STU 176
Repeatability: May be taken for credit for 9 units.
UNI STU 231. NIH Fellowship Writing Skills. 2 Units.
Designed for graduate students in biomedical science departments who are preparing to write applications for NRSA (F30/F31) fellowships from the NIH. It involves a mixture of lectures, panel discussions, and peer review of writing samples.
Restriction: Graduate students only.
UNI STU 296. Graduate Legal Studies . 0.3 Units.
Monthly faculty/student colloquium to present and discuss socio-legal related research/issues. Course convened by Law School faculty with other faculty participation. Required for PLGS students enrolled in Law portion of degree.
Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Graduate students only. Law students only.
UNI STU 297. California Community College Internship. 2-8 Units.
The California Community College Internship offers graduate students the opportunity to learn about faculty life, governance, and teaching at local community colleges. Structures fieldwork for students to participate in and reflect on the educational mission of community colleges.
Prerequisite: Teaching experience.
Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit for 10 units.
Restriction: MFA or Doctoral students who have advanced to candidacy.
UNI STU 390A. Advanced Pedagogy and Academic Job Preparation. 2-4 Units.
Focuses on advanced pedagogical research and practices. Students design and implement an integrated curriculum in the context of the TA Professional Development Program. Prepare for the academic job market by developing application materials and reviewing Pedagogical Fellow applicants.
Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Must be a pedagogical fellow.
UNI STU 390B. Advanced Pedagogy and Academic Job Preparation. 2-4 Units.
Focuses on advanced pedagogical research and practices. Students design and implement an integrated curriculum in the context of the TA Professional Development Program. Prepare for the academic job market by developing application materials and reviewing Pedagogical Fellow applicants.
Prerequisite: UNI STU 390A. UNI STU 390A with a grade of B- or better
Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Must be a pedagogical fellow.
UNI STU 390C. Advanced Pedagogy and Academic Job Preparation. 2-4 Units.
Focuses on advanced pedagogical research and practices. Students design and implement an integrated curriculum in the context of the TA Professional Development Program. Prepare for the academic job market by developing application materials and reviewing Pedagogical Fellow applicants.
Prerequisite: UNI STU 390B. UNI STU 390B with a grade of B- or better
Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only.
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Must be a pedagogical fellow.
UNI STU 390X. Developing Teaching Excellence. 2-4 Units.
An introduction to evidence-based instructional design and methods, specifically for higher education courses. Students practice, observe, and design instruction based on pedagogical literature. Meets most of the requirements for the Certificate in Teaching Excellence Program.
Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit for 8 units.
Restriction: Graduate students only.
UNI STU 390Z. Advanced Course Design for Instructors of Record. 2-4 Units.
Design a new course or enhance an existing one using evidence-based practices. Execute backward, integrated course design by establishing goals for student learning and by aligning assignments and assessments with these goals.
Prerequisite: Required: Certificate of Teaching Excellence and proof of instructor of record appointment.
Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only.
Repeatability: May be taken for credit for 12 units.
Restriction: Graduate students only.
UNI STU 395. Teaching as Research. 1-3 Units.
Preparation and implementation of a teaching as research project in higher education. Participants learn research, experimental design, human subjects, and statistical analysis.
Prerequisite: Recommended: UNI STU 390X
Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.
Restriction: Graduate students only.