2024-25 Edition

Department of Criminology, Law and Society


Emily Owens, Department Chair
2340 Social Ecology II

The Department of Criminology, Law and Society focuses on the problem of crime and on understanding the social, cultural, political, and economic forces that interact with the law. Basic courses present overviews of American legal systems with particular emphasis on criminal and juvenile justice, forms of criminal behavior, the role of law in understanding social and psychological phenomena, and the applications of sociological theory in understanding law and legal systems. Subsequent course work provides a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of crime, criminal justice policy, and socio-legal theory, including how legal institutions can both address problems of inequality and exacerbate those problems.

Students are provided with opportunities to become acquainted with the varieties of behavior that society chooses to control or regulate, the methods and institutions used to achieve that control or regulation, and the approaches aimed specifically at altering behavior deemed unacceptable. In addition, there is provision for students to use their increasing knowledge of the law, its procedures, and institutions to enhance their understanding of the social sciences.

The course of study provides excellent preparation for law school and for graduate study in sociology, criminology, and criminal justice. Careers for students who terminate their University education at the baccalaureate level may be developed through placements in criminal justice and regulatory agencies, in organizations determining public policy, and in programs that deliver services to people who have difficulties with some aspect of the legal system.

Field study placements are available in police departments, public defenders’ offices, probation and parole agencies, the Orange County District Attorney’s Office, the State juvenile detention system, the Orange County Victim/Witness Assistance Program, juvenile shelters, legislative offices, and in private legal firms.


Hillary Berk, Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, Associate Professor of Teaching of Criminology, Law and Society (sociology of law/law and society, gender, family, reproduction and surrogacy, law and emotion, civil rights, dispute resolution)
Lee Cabatingan, Ph.D. University of Chicago, Assistant Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; Anthropology (anthropology of law, sovereignty, property, postcolonial studies, ethnography and qualitative methods)
Kitty C. Calavita, Ph.D. University of Delaware, Professor Emerita of Criminology, Law and Society (sociology of law, criminology, social deviance, immigration, inequality)
Simon A. Cole, Ph.D. Cornell University, Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; History; School of Law (science, technology, law, criminal justice)
Susan B. Coutin, Ph.D. Stanford University, Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; Anthropology; Chicano/Latino Studies; Religious Studies (law, culture, ethnography, immigration, human rights, citizenship, political activism, Central America)
Elliott P. Currie, Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, Professor of Criminology, Law and Society (criminal justice policy in the U.S. and other countries, causes of violent crime, social context of delinquency and youth violence, etiology of drug abuse and assessment of drug policy, race and criminal justice)
Teresa A. Dalton, Ph.D. University of Denver, Professor of Teaching of Criminology, Law and Society (quantitative methodology, criminology, law and social sciences)
John D. Dombrink, Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, Professor Emeritus of Criminology, Law and Society (crime and criminal justice, deviance and social control)
Amanda Geller, Ph.D. Columbia University, Associate Professor of Criminology, Law and Society (policing, survey research, incarceration, and family life)
Brandon Golob, Ph.D. University of Southern California, Associate Professor of Teaching of Criminology, Law and Society (law-related educational programs; social media and online privacy; inclusive pedagogy; media effects; law and popular culture)
Michael R. Gottfredson, Ph.D. University at Albany, State University of New York, Chancellor's Professor Emeritus of Criminology, Law and Society; School of Law (criminology, juvenile delinquency, crime theory, public policy)
Sora Han, Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz, Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; African American Studies; Comparative Literature; Culture and Theory; School of Law (law and popular culture, critical race theory, philosophies of punishment, feminism and psychoanalysis)
John R. Hipp, Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; Sociology (community context of crime, household decisions and neighborhood change, research methods)
Nicole Iturriaga, Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles, Assistant Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; Sociology (science and technology, political sociology, social movements, and human rights)
Valerie Jenness, Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara, Distinguished Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; Sociology (links between deviance and social control [especially law], the politics of crime control and criminalization, social movements and social change, corrections and public policy)
Charis E. Kubrin, Ph.D. University of Washington, Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; Sociology (crime, neighborhood effects and social processes, race/ethnicity and violence, immigration and crime)
Elizabeth F. Loftus, Ph.D. Stanford University, UCI Distinguished Professor of Psychological Science; Cognitive Sciences; Criminology, Law and Society; School of Law (cognitive psychology, human memory, psychology and law)
Mona Lynch, Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz, Chancellor's Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; School of Law (law and society, psychology and law, punishment and society, race and criminal justice)
Cheryl Lee Maxson, Ph.D. University of Southern California, Professor Emerita of Criminology, Law and Society (crime and delinquency, youth violence, street gangs, juvenile justice system and policing)
Richard D. McCleary, Ph.D. Northwestern University, Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; Urban Planning and Public Policy (criminal justice, research methodology, statistics)
James W. Meeker, J.D., Ph.D. State University of New York at Buffalo, Professor Emeritus of Criminology, Law and Society; Sociology (sociology of law, criminal justice, research methodology, statistics, access to civil justice)
Oimarrh Mitchell, Ph.D. University of Maryland, Professor of Criminology, Law and Society (courts, sentencing, corrections, drug policy, and racial/ethnic fairness in the criminal justice system)
Ana Muñiz, Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles, Associate Professor of Criminology, Law and Society (gang profiling, youth justice, gang injunctions and databases, immigration enforcement, policing, race, state violence)
Miguel Quintana Navarrete, Ph.D. Harvard University, Assistant Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; Sociology (community and political violence; crime and violence in the global south; comparative criminal justice policy and practice)
Emily Owens, Ph.D. University of Maryland at College Park, Department Chair and Dean's Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; Economics (how government policies affect the prevalence of criminal activity as well as how agents within the criminal justice system, particularly police, prosecutors, and judges, respond to policy changes)
Henry N. Pontell, Ph.D. State University of New York at Stony Brook, Professor Emeritus of Criminology, Law and Society; Sociology (white-collar and corporate crime, criminology, criminal justice, deviance and social control, sociology of law)
Keramet Reiter, Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; School of Law (prisons and extreme punishments, legal history, criminal justice policy, criminal and civil rights law, law and society)
Nancy Rodriguez, Ph.D. Washington State University, Professor of Criminology, Law and Society (race, crime, and justice; juvenile justice; collateral consequences of imprisonment; criminal justice policy)
Mercy Romero, Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, Associate Professor of Criminology, Law and Society (built environment, the archives and documents of Black/Latinx transformative art and social movement)
Nicholas I. Scurich, Ph.D. University of Southern California, Department Chair and Professor of Psychological Science; Criminology, Law and Society; School of Law (judgment and decision making, juridical proof, violence risk assessment)
Christopher Seeds, Ph.D. New York University, Assistant Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; School of Law; Sociology (punishment and social control, law and society, criminal justice, social theory, life sentencing and capital punishment)
Carroll S. Seron, Ph.D. New York University, Professor Emerita of Criminology, Law and Society; School of Law; Sociology (sociology of law, sociology of professions, law and society, sociology of legal profession, methods and police misconduct)
Naomi F. Sugie, Ph.D. Princeton University, Associate Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; Sociology (sociology of crime and punishment, inequality, families, demography, methods, technology-assisted research methods)
Bryan Sykes, Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, Associate Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; Population Health and Disease Prevention; Sociology (demography, criminology, research methods, health, social inequality, statistics)
William C. Thompson, Ph.D. Stanford University, Professor Emeritus of Criminology, Law and Society; Psychological Science; School of Law (psychology and law, criminal justice, forensic science, expert evidence, human judgment and decision making, use of social science in appellate litigation)
George E. Tita, Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University, Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; Urban Planning and Public Policy (criminology, community context of violence, urban youth gangs, homicide studies)
Susan F. Turner, Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Professor Emerita of Criminology, Law and Society (sentencing and corrections, applied research methods)
Carolina Valdivia, Ph.D. Harvard University, Assistant Professor of Criminology, Law and Society; Chicano/Latino Studies; Education; Sociology (immigration, law and society, the sociology of education, race and ethnicity, youth and families; and the U.S.-Mexico borderlands)
James D. Vigil, Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles, Professor Emeritus of Criminology, Law and Society (urban research, urban poverty, culture change, socialization and education, psychological anthropology, street gangs in cross-cultural perspective, Mexico and U.S. southwestern ethnohistory, comparative ethnicity)
Kirk Williams, Ph.D. University of Arizona, Professor Emeritus of Criminology, Law and Society; Sociology (family violence, youth violence, homicide studies, risk assessment, violence prevention program evaluation)

Affiliate Faculty

Richard Arum, Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, Professor of Education; Criminology, Law and Society; Sociology
Swethaa Ballakrishnen, Ph.D. Stanford University, Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development and Professor of Law; Asian American Studies; Criminology, Law and Society; Sociology
Elizabeth E. Cauffman, Ph.D. Temple University, Professor of Psychological Science; Criminology, Law and Society; Education; School of Law (adolescent development, mental health, juvenile justice, legal and social policy)
Eve Darian-Smith, Ph.D. University of Chicago, Department Chair and Distinguished Professor of Global and International Studies; Anthropology; Criminology, Law and Society; School of Law
Joseph DiMento, Ph.D. University of Michigan, Distinguished Professor of Law; Criminology, Law and Society; Paul Merage School of Business; Urban Planning and Public Policy
Howard A. Gillman, Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles, Chancellor and Professor of Political Science; Criminology, Law and Society; History; School of Law
Nancy Guerra, Ed.D. Harvard University, Professor Emerita of Psychological Science; Criminology, Law and Society (children's aggression and behavior problems, prevention of youth violence, promotion of healthy youth development)
William M. Maurer, Ph.D. Stanford University, Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Professor of Anthropology; Criminology, Law and Society; School of Law (anthropology of law, globalization, Caribbean, anthropology of money and finance, gender and kinship)
Candice Odgers, Ph.D. University of Virginia, Professor of Psychological Science; Criminology, Law and Society; Informatics (developmental and quantitative psychology; social inequalities and child health; new technologies and adolescent development)
Vibhuti Ramachandran, Ph.D. New York University, Assistant Professor of Global and International Studies; Criminology, Law and Society
Ruben G. Rumbaut, Ph.D. Brandeis University, Distinguished Professor of Sociology; Chicano/Latino Studies; Criminology, Law and Society; Education; Language Science (international migration, immigration laws, criminalization, incarceration, social inequality and mobility, race and ethnicity)
Charles Smith, Ph.D. University of California, San Diego, Professor of Political Science; Criminology, Law and Society; School of Law; Sociology (law and legal institutions, comparative and international law)
Ji Seon Song, J.D. Columbia University School of Law, Assistant Professor of Law; Criminology, Law and Society
Ann Southworth, J.D. Stanford University, Professor of School of Law; Criminology, Law and Society
Shauhin A. Talesh, J.D., Ph.D. University of Connecticut, University of California, Berkeley, Director, Law and Graduate Studies Program and Professor of School of Law; Criminology, Law and Society; Sociology
Katharine Tinto, J.D. New York University, Assistant Clinical Professor of School of Law; Criminology, Law and Society
Kristin E. Turney, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, Dean's Professor of Sociology; Criminology, Law and Society (social inequality, family demography, population health, incarceration and punishment, intergenerational transmission of disadvantage, child well-being)


CRM/LAW C7. Introduction to Criminology, Law and Society . 4 Units.

Introduces characteristics of the U.S. criminal justice system, including responses to crime, components of the system, and current challenges to the system. Examines structure and function of police and courts, criminal procedure, and sentencing and incarceration policies.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Psychology and Social Behavior Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Urban Studies Majors have first consideration for enrollment.


CRM/LAW C10. Fundamentals of Criminology, Law and Society . 4 Units.

Introduces three interdisciplinary literatures: criminology, socio-legal studies, and justice studies. Focuses on theoretical and empirical work addressing law making, law breaking, and legal systems.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.


CRM/LAW H80. The Properties of Property. 4 Units.

Develops an understanding and critique of private property. Draws from interdisciplinary sources to explore the foundations of private property, the institutions that support it over time, and possible alternatives to it.

Restriction: Campuswide Honors Collegium students only.


CRM/LAW C100. Special Topics in Criminology, Law and Society. 4 Units.

Course content varies with interest of the instructor.

Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C101. American Law. 4 Units.

Introduction to substantive and procedural law governing private dispute resolution, including common law (tort, property, contracts), lawsuits (civil procedure), and alternative dispute resolution; emphasis on the socio-legal ramifications of private disputes, particularly the modern tort system and tort reform movement.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C102. Introduction to the Comparative Study of Legal Cultures. 4 Units.

Traces the anthropological and comparative cultural study of law from the nineteenth century to the present; briefly surveys the diversity of recorded legal cultures and critically examines key concepts which have been used to describe and classify them.

Same as INTL ST 124A.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. SocEcol-Urban & Regional Plan Majors have first consideration for enrollment. International Studies Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C103. US Legal Thought. 4 Units.

Evolution of legal thought in socio-historical context from 19th century to present; emphasizes the rise and fall of legal classicism and modern socio-legal critiques, including the law and society movement, critical legal studies, feminist legal theory, and critical race studies.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C104. Sociology of Law. 4 Units.

Examines law creation and law enforcement in their social and political context. Discusses the major theories of law and the modern state, and presents case studies in order to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these theoretical perspectives.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C105. Psychology and the Law. 4 Units.

Psychological assumptions of the American legal system and mental health aspects of provision of criminal justice services. Civil commitment, insanity defense, competence to stand trial, jury selection, eyewitness identification. Use of police, courts, correctional institutions in prevention of behavior disorder.

Same as PSCI 193E.

Restriction: Psychological Science Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Psychology and Social Behavior Majors have first consideration for enrollment. SocEcol-Urban & Regional Plan Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C106. Crime and Public Policy. 4 Units.

Explores nature and dimensions of crime in America and uses and limits of various strategies to control it. Topics include growth of imprisonment, the problem of domestic violence, the death penalty, gun control, and the potential of crime prevention programs.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C107. Deviance. 4 Units.

Perspectives on deviance and criminality in behavior, institution, community, and myth. The suitability of contemporary theories of deviant behavior.

Same as SOCIOL 156, PSYCH 177D.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Sociology Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Psychology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C108. Criminological Theory. 4 Units.

Explores the question of crime causation from a number of theoretical perspectives in the social sciences. Schools of thought examined include utilitarianism, positivism, human ecology, social structural approaches, social process (learning) theories, labeling, and radical-critical (political) perspectives.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C109. Juvenile Delinquency. 4 Units.

Patterns of delinquent behavior, theories that explain behavior, current research aimed at enhancing exploratory power. Attempts to prevent and control delinquency are put in historical perspective. Development of the current juvenile justice system and evolution of modern juvenile law.

Same as PSCI 193B.

Restriction: Psychological Science Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Psychology and Social Behavior Majors have first consideration for enrollment. SocEcol-Urban & Regional Plan Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C110. Community Context of Crime. 4 Units.

Examines the social context of high-crime communities, with special emphasis on the problems of poverty, joblessness, economic inequality, and racial discrimination. Assesses debates on the causes of these problems, and on the most effective policies to combat them.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C111. Theories of Punishment. 4 Units.

Survey of the various schools of thought regarding formal punishment theory. The purposes of legal sanctions are examined, including those of deterrence, rehabilitation, retribution, and incapacitation. Considers problems in realizing formal goals of punishment in practice.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C112. Legal Sanctions and Social Control. 4 Units.

Examination of criminal sanctions as mechanisms of social control. Includes the nature, function, and organization of courts as sanction generating institutions, and problems associated with punishing white-collar and corporate illegalities.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C113. Gender and Social Control. 4 Units.

Examines the legal system's use of sex as an organizing characteristic, focusing particularly on sameness and difference feminism, and tracing the evolution of equal treatment of men and women in the areas of constitutional rights, employment, education, and military service.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C114. Miscarriages of Justice. 4 Units.

Systematically describes, explains, and analyzes the causes and consequences of the wrongful accusation, prosecution, incarceration, and sometimes even execution, of the innocent in the American criminal justice system.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C115. Prisons, Punishment, and Corrections. 4 Units.

A review of how the U.S. punishes and rehabilitates convicted law violators. The conflicts among the major purposes of sentencing—rehabilitation, deterrence, incapacitation—are discussed, as well as the effects of different sanctions on public safety, offender rehabilitation, and justice system costs.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C116. Race, Ethnicity, and Social Control. 4 Units.

Provides a historical and sociological survey of racial and ethnic group relations in contexts of crime control, emphasizing the roles of racial ideology, structural racism, and social movements in shaping these dynamic relations, and their significance to American liberal democracy.

Same as CHC/LAT 152A.

Restriction: Chicano/Latino Studies Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C117. Imprisonment and Reentry. 4 Units.

Offers an overview of imprisonment and reentry in the contemporary United States. Examines the development of the prison in the United States and explores changes in its composition, structure, and purpose over time.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C118. Domestic Violence. 4 Units.

General perspectives about domestic violence and theoretical accounts about what causes such behavior.

Same as SOCECOL 118.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C119. Violence in Intimate Relationships. 4 Units.

Responses to various forms of domestic violence, such as intimate partner violence and child abuse. Covers barriers to reporting to the police, and prosecutors and courts. Human services, such as safety planning for victims, treatment programs, and restorative justice approaches.


Same as SOCECOL 119.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C120. Law and Inequality. 4 Units.

Various aspects of the law as related to three specific areas of inequality: immigration and immigrants, race, and gender. The role of law as a tool of social reform and limitations of the legal system historically in resolving inequality issues.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C122. Constitutional Law. 4 Units.

Examines the evolution of civil liberties and individual rights in the United States, focusing on how Constitutional Amendments and U.S. Supreme Court decision-making have shaped the ongoing political and legal struggles over issues such as privacy, abortion, and free speech.

Overlaps with POL SCI 174A.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C123. Family Law. 4 Units.

Examines legal issues surrounding marriage, cohabitation, divorce, child custody and support, adoption, and the rights of parents and children in the family context. The findings of social science research are used to illuminate the legal issues.

Same as PSCI 193F.

Restriction: Psychological Science Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Psychology and Social Behavior Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C124. Mental Health and the Justice System. 4 Units.

Covers the history of criminalization of persons with mental illness; challenges and needs; civil and outpatient commitment; law enforcement responses; mentally ill in jails and prisons; community supervision strategies; and reentry strategies for offenders with mental illness.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C126. Drugs, Crime, and Social Control. 4 Units.

Implementation of drug crime policy in the U.S.; historical views of U.S. social control and crime policies. Students critically examine drugs and crime research and policy, with attention to causal rigor and how policies interact with and affect socioeconomic conditions.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C127. Hate Crimes. 4 Units.

Examines the causes, manifestations, and consequences of hate crimes and the larger social context within which they occur. The politics and dynamics of intergroup violence born of bigotry and manifested as discrimination; social policy designed to control bias-motivated violence.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C128. Environmental Law and Policy . 4 Units.

Environmental law as a combination of traditional legal principles and newly created statutes, rules, and decisions applied to environmental protection. Investigates roles of courts, legislature, executive branch and administrative agencies, and private citizens attempting to regulate environmental quality.

Same as UPPP 133.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors only. Environmental Science and Policy Majors only. Social Ecology Majors only. Urban Studies Majors only.

CRM/LAW C131. Organized Crime and American Society. 4 Units.

Examination of the phenomenon of American organized crime from a sociological perspective. Explanation of methods by which organized crime is tolerated at various levels of society. Emphasis on ways in which "underworld" interests interact with legitimate economic and political institutions.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C132. Forensic Science, Law, and Society. 4 Units.

Examines use of "forensic science" to resolve issues arising in criminal cases including crime scene analysis, DNA testing, fingerprints, trace evidence comparisons, profiling, lie detectors, other forensic techniques; evaluation, statistical characterization, and legal admissibility of evidence; regulation of forensic laboratories.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C133. Homicide and Suicide. 4 Units.

Examines similarities and differences among homicide and suicide, two major causes of death.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C135. Mass Incarceration and Social Inequality in America. 4 Units.

Explores the origins and consequences of mass incarceration; extraordinarily high incarceration rates within particular demographic groups above and beyond historical levels in the U.S. Theoretical explanations for, and current policy debates around, mass incarceration are covered.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C136. Forensic Psychology: Advanced Seminar. 4 Units.

Focuses on the psychology of criminal offending, particularly violent behavior. Examines violence, sexual offending, and mental disorder related to crime with regard to clinical assessment and treatment; mental health services within forensic institutions.

Prerequisite: (PSCI 9 or PSCI 11C or PSYCH 7A or PSYCH 9C) and PSCI 102C and (PSCI 178S or CRM/LAW C149)

Same as PSCI 156C, PSYCH 177F.

Restriction: Psychological Science Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Psychology and Social Behavior Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Psychology Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C138. Media Effects on Law and Justice . 4 Units.

Examines theoretical and methodological frameworks necessary for understanding mass media effects. Trains students to analyze and create media content that cover a wide array of law and justice topics, such as criminal trial procedures, coerced confessions, and mass incarceration.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C139. Police and Change. 4 Units.

Organizational efforts to modify police conduct are addressed by focusing on the history of policing in the United States including training, education, and the contributions of women.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C140. Surveillance and Society. 4 Units.

Explores the development and deployment of surveillance technologies in contemporary society. The social and legal impact of surveillance technologies, in such areas as crime control, privacy, trust, community, democracy, and the war on terror.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors only.

CRM/LAW C141. Anthropology of Law . 4 Units.

Introduces the anthropological study of law through a focus on the foundations of this subfield, its primary methodologies, and several important topics of inquiry, including policing, immigration, and structural inequalities. Provides an international perspective on law and society.

Same as ANTHRO 127D.

Restriction: Anthropology Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C142. White-Collar Crime. 4 Units.

Examines criminal activity in business and corporate enterprise, organizations, and the professions. Theories regarding the causes and control of white-collar and corporate crime are covered as well as the numerous definitions of these terms.

Same as SOCIOL 142.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Sociology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C144. Criminal Law. 4 Units.

Deals specifically with the substantive nature of criminal law and its historical development. Focuses on understanding the development of fundamental doctrinal principles upon which criminal law is based, including mens rea, actus reus, homicide, causation, group criminality, and exculpation.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C146. Crimes of the State. 4 Units.

Examines the origins, operations, and outcomes of historical and contemporary international justice measures used to address—and potentially adjudicate—crimes of the state including torture, disappearances, genocide, etc.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C149. Violence in Society. 4 Units.

Current theory and research on aggression; anger and violence as problems in individual and social functioning. Process and functions of anger examined with regard to normal behavior and psychopathology. The determinants, prevalence, and implications of violence in society are analyzed.

Prerequisite: Recommended: PSCI 9 or PSCI 11C or PSYCH 7A or PSYCH 9C.

Same as PSCI 178S.

Restriction: Psychological Science Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Psychology and Social Behavior Majors have first consideration for enrollment. SocEcol-Urban & Regional Plan Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW 151. Language and the Law. 4 Units.

Considers the role of language in legal practice and power. Particular attention is paid to linguistic and discourse analytic research that cover topics such as: trial talk, language crimes, law talk in cross-cultural perspectives, and linguistic evidence.

Same as ANTHRO 127C.

Restriction: Anthropology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C160. Forensic Psychology . 4 Units.

Forensic psychology is the interface between clinical psychology and the law. Emphasizes clinically relevant legal topics (insanity defense; competency to stand trial) and includes critical thinking about issues that arise when psychologists are involved in legal proceedings.

Prerequisite: Recommended: PSCI 9 or PSCI 11B or PSCI 11C.

Same as PSCI 161C.

Restriction: Psychological Science Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Psychology and Social Behavior Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C162. Crime Hotspots. 4 Units.

Criminological theories of local public safety hazards or hotspots are introduced. Spatial statistics are developed for different types of hotspots. Hotspot policing theories are introduced and research on the effectiveness of policing strategies is reviewed.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C163. Ethics and Politics of Justice. 4 Units.

Theoretical perspective on how ethics and politics relate to criminal justice through an introduction to moral philosophy; consideration of specific theories of punishment and justice; and consideration of practical and empirical illustrations of the intersection of ethics, politics, and justice.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C164. Social Control of Delinquency. 4 Units.

Assumes familiarity with theories of delinquency, the juvenile justice system, and elements of juvenile law. Explores socio-historical origins and evolution of juvenile justice, current research and policy on delinquency prevention and treatment, and future directions of law, policy, and practice.

Prerequisite: Recommended: CRM/LAW C109.

Same as PSCI 193C.

Restriction: Psychological Science Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Psychology and Social Behavior Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Psychology Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C165. The Death Penalty. 4 Units.

Examines why the U.S. continues to have a death penalty when so many other countries have abandoned it. Arguments for and against the death penalty are covered.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C166. Spatial Criminology. 4 Units.

Scholars have long noted crime events exhibit a spatial patterning. The principal theoretical perspectives that attempt to explain such a spatial patterning, as well as the research methods used to study crime in spatial context are considered.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C167. Crime Measurement. 4 Units.

The strengths and weaknesses of three crime measures (police reports, victim surveys, and offender self-reports) are illustrated through analyses of research articles. Common measurement problems are analyzed with a focus on reliability and validity.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C168. Extreme Punishment . 4 Units.

Explores the history and law of America’s Eighth Amendment prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, examining the death penalty, long prison sentences, harsh confinement conditions, and other punishments. Students debate practical, legal, and moral arguments for and against these punishments.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C169W. Advanced Research Methods. 4 Units.

For students planning to conduct senior research projects or apply to graduate school in social research fields. Topics include reviewing literature, preparing a research proposal, protecting human subjects, citing scholarly work, building measures, estimating sample size, interview and presentation skills.

Prerequisite: SOCECOL 10 and SOCECOL 13. Satisfactory completion of the Lower-Division Writing requirement.

Same as SOCECOL 111W, PSCI 111W, UPPP 114W.


CRM/LAW C174. Immigration and Crime. 4 Units.

Examines immigration and crime in the global context, highlighting immigrants as criminals and victims; immigration and crime control; immigrants’ perceptions of the criminal justice system; public discourse and public perception on immigration and crime; and human rights issues.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C175. Issues in Policing. 4 Units.

Lectures and readings focus on the history and strategies of policing, measuring the quality of policing, and police misconduct. Strategies for enhancing the quality of policing for controlling misconduct are covered.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C176. Classics in Crime Cinema. 4 Units.

A multidimensional understanding of crime films and how they shape public thinking about crime and criminals.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C177. Eyewitness Testimony. 4 Units.

Faulty eyewitness testimony is a major cause of wrongful convictions. Covers the fast-growing topic of eyewitness testimony and memory for real-world events, both how psychologists study eyewitness capacity, and how the legal system has dealt with eyewitness issues.

Prerequisite: SOCECOL 10

Same as PSCI 193G.

Restriction: Seniors only. Psychological Science Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

Concurrent with CRM/LAW C263.

CRM/LAW C178. Critical Race Theory. 4 Units.

Introduction to Critical Race Theory and key American cases on racial inequality. Using this literature, examines the possibilities and pitfalls of legal claims of race, gender, and sexuality discrimination in the age of colorblindness.

Same as AFAM 157.

Restriction: Upper-division students only. African-American Studies Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C179. Race and Incarceration. 4 Units.

Examines the racial politics of mass incarceration through historical, empirical, theoretical, and legal frameworks. Focuses on race, gender, and sexual differences to develop a critique on policing, incarceration, and other forms of punishment.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C180. Power, Constructions of Deviance, and Social Control . 4 Units.

Examines the forms and limits of power in the construction of social deviants. Theories of state power are covered to understand the prison system as a contemporary driver of social inequality. The collateral consequences of mass incarceration are discussed.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C182. Illegal Economics. 4 Units.

How illegal firms function in illegal markets, why individuals participate in these groups and markets, and what federal, state, and local governments do to disrupt organized illegal activity.

Same as ECON 146A.

Restriction: Business Economics Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Economics Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Quantitative Economics Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C183. Controversies, Courts, Cultures: The Anthropology of Law. 4 Units.

Assesses the contributions anthropology has made to legal scholarship, reviewing historical and contemporary themes. Considers both comparative questions of law’s norms, structures, and practices around the globe, and the specific insights anthropology offers about contemporary U.S. law.

Same as ANTHRO 127.


CRM/LAW C184. Economics of Criminal Justice. 4 Units.

Provides an introduction to the economics of crime literature.

Prerequisite: ECON 122A or ECON 123A

Same as ECON 146B.

Restriction: Business Economics Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Economics Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Quantitative Economics Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C186. Social Media and The Law. 4 Units.

Examines legal and policy issues raised by the rise of social media. Surveys how social networking platforms and other emerging technologies impact the right to privacy, public perceptions of judicial systems, and the law generally.

Restriction: Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C187. Undocumented Immigrant Experiences. 4 Units.

Examines the experiences of undocumented immigrants and the policies that structure their educational, economic, social, and political participation.

Same as ASIANAM 130, CHC/LAT 164A, SOCIOL 177C.

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CRM/LAW C190. Applied Statistics in Social and Behavioral Research. 4 Units.

Covers statistical techniques used to describe and make generalizations about phenomena represented by data. Hands-on experience in data analysis and interpretation using statistical software (SPSS, STATA) is emphasized. Topics include data visualization, ANOVA, multiple regression, and categorical data analyses.

Prerequisite: SOCECOL 13

Same as PSCI 190, SOCECOL 190, UPPP 190.

Restriction: Psychological Science Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Psychology and Social Behavior Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Urban Studies Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C196. Research Seminar in Criminology, Law and Society. 4 Units.

Special topics research seminar. Content varies with interest of instructor. Capstone research opportunity with Criminology, Law and Society faculty members.

Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.

Restriction: Upper-division students only. Criminology, Law and Society Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Social Ecology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

CRM/LAW C201. Research Methods. 4 Units.

An introduction to techniques of inductive methodologies, including qualitative interviewing and participant observation, and deductive methodologies, including survey research and experimental and quasi-experimental design. Provides a sound overview of research methodology with tools to pursue specific methods in greater depth.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C202. Research Methods II. 4 Units.

Covers qualitative approaches (interview strategies, varieties of ethnography, archival and historical methods, etc.) and quantitative approaches (survey methods, experimental designs, secondary data sets, comparative and international data, etc.), and concludes with mixed-method approaches.

Prerequisite: CRM/LAW C201. CRM/LAW C201 with a grade of B or better

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C203A. Qualitative Methods Practicum. 4 Units.

Designed to deepen students’ familiarity with qualitative research strategies and to guide them through the initial stages of their Second Year Project requirement, such as the development of an original research proposal and/or a research instrument.

Prerequisite: CRM/LAW C202. CRM/LAW C202 with a grade of B or better

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C203B. Quantitative Methods Practicum. 4 Units.

Deepens familiarity with quantitative research and provides a foundation for the second-year paper, e.g., initial models for data analysis and/or a replication study. Students evaluate what assumptions are necessary for credible inference in different evaluation approaches.

Prerequisite: CRM/LAW C202. CRM/LAW C202 with a grade of B or better

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C207. Land-Use Law. 4 Units.

Investigates legal and institutional frameworks for development control. Review of constitutional issues implicated in land-use regulation. Traces development control historically and analyzes contemporary approaches to land-use control which reflect environmental and economic development concerns.

Same as UPPP 207.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C210. Introduction to Criminology, Law and Society. 4 Units.

Familiarizes students with the interrelated fields of criminology, law and society studies, and criminal justice studies. Organized around three well-established interdisciplinary literatures: criminology, sociolegal studies, and criminal justice studies.

Restriction: Graduate students only. Criminology, Law and Society Majors only.

CRM/LAW C211. Legal Institutions and Society. 4 Units.

Acquaints students with the institutions of U.S. legal system and its operations, as well as with the constitutional framework undergirding this system, and defines the relationship between U.S. citizens and government at a variety of levels.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C212. Policing. 4 Units.

Introduces the subject of policing. Topics include the management of police organizations, the effectiveness of police patrol strategies, the experiences of women in policing, the recruitment and retention of police officers, and other related topics.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C213. Crime and Social Deviance. 4 Units.

Examines the major social scientific perspectives on criminal and deviant behavior. Specific deviant and criminal activities are described and explained using established theoretical frameworks.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C214. Research Methods. 4 Units.

Structures research methodology, the approach to developing and evaluating knowledge of the sciences for use in criminal justice professional activities. Special emphasis on differentiating scientific approaches from pseudo-science.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C215. Applied Statistics. 4 Units.

Provides a basis for the use of fundamental statistical analysis techniques for solving public policy and management problems through a series of assignments, examinations, and online discussions and demonstrations.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C216. Public Policy, Crime, and Criminal Justice. 4 Units.

Increases understanding of crime, violence, and the criminal justice system. Assesses the state of knowledge on key policy issues of our time. Discusses the contribution of communities, schools, employment, drugs, guns, and alcohol to crime and violence.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C217. Leadership. 4 Units.

Introduces concepts, ideas, and theories about leadership and its operation. Explores leadership concepts through interviews with leaders from the community and fellow classmates.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C218. Social Problems, Law, and Policy. 4 Units.

Capstone course for M.A.S. program in Criminology, Law and Society. Students choose a social problem related to crime, criminal justice, and law; relate the problem to legal and social issues; and devise a plan of action to research the problem.

Restriction: Graduate students only. Criminology, Law and Society Majors only.

CRM/LAW C219. Hate Crime. 4 Units.

Examines the causes, manifestations, and consequences of hate crimes, as well as the larger social context within which they occur, are reacted to, and seem to be proliferating.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C221. Sentencing and Corrections. 4 Units.

Reviews U.S. attempts to punish and rehabilitate convicted law violators. Conflicts among major purposes of sentencing (rehabilitation, deterrence, incapacitation, and retribution) are discussed, as well as effects of different sanctions on public safety, offender rehabilitation, and justice system costs.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C222. Ethnography. 4 Units.

Explores the theory and practice of ethnography with a focus on anthropology, the discipline most associated with ethnography. Students are exposed to the theoretical underpinnings of ethnographic work, traditional and innovative practices, and sample ethnographies.

Same as ANTHRO 230F, CHC/LAT 217.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C226. Causal Methods for Policy Analysis. 4 Units.

Provides students with hands-on experience using existing data to estimate the impact of policy and law on individual behavior or aggregate social outcomes. Covers different econometric strategies used to identify causal effects in the absence of an experiment.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C228. Criminology: Micro Approaches. 4 Units.

Introduces students to the dominant theories in modern criminology, their theoretical antecedents and extensions, major empirical tests and implications for programs, policy and practice, and focuses on micro-level, individual theories of crime causation. Formerly Criminology, Law and Society C233A.

CRM/LAW C229. Criminology: Macro Approaches. 4 Units.

Introduces students to the dominant theories in modern criminology, their theoretical antecedents and extensions, major empirical tests and implications for programs, policy and practices, and addresses macro-level theories of crime causation. Formerly Criminology, Law and Society C233B.

CRM/LAW C231. Crime and Gender . 4 Units.

Examines the legal, political, social, economic, and policy implications of making gender (primarily) and race (secondarily) the focus in the study of crime, criminal law, and the criminal justice system.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C234. Anthropology of Law. 4 Units.

Law has been a key site of anthropological inquiry since the discipline's nineteenth-century origins. Course introduces and critically assesses the contributions anthropology has made to sociolegal lytic trends.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C238. White-Collar Crime. 4 Units.

Examines the illegal behavior of individuals who commit crimes in the course of their employment. Special attention will be paid to ways in which power and organizational structure affect the behavior of the white-collar offenders.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C239A. Law and Society I. 4 Units.

Provides an introduction to the law and society field from its origins in social scientific, legal, and philosophical scholarship during the eighteenth, nineteenth, and early-twentieth centuries. Formerly Criminology, Law, and Society C239.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C239B. Law and Society II. 4 Units.

Building on Law and Society I, addresses contemporary issues in the field from mid-twentieth century to the present with emphasis on the degree to which the field's foundational assumptions are being challenged, refined, or confirmed through current research.

Prerequisite: CRM/LAW C239A. CRM/LAW C239A with a grade of B- or better

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C240A. Socio-Legal Workshop.

Designed to foster intellectual discussion, encourage practice and skill-building in providing feedback, and build substantive knowledge of legal scholarship, this workshop is for both law and doctoral students across campus who are interested in interdisciplinary approaches to studying law.

Grading Option: In Progress (Letter Grade with S/U).

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C240B. Socio-Legal Workshop.

Designed to foster intellectual discussion, encourage practice and skill-building in providing feedback, and build substantive knowledge of legal scholarship, this workshop is for both law and doctoral students across campus who are interested in interdisciplinary approaches to studying law.

Prerequisite: CRM/LAW C240A. CRM/LAW C240A with a grade of B- or better

Grading Option: In Progress (Letter Grade with S/U).

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C240C. Socio-Legal Workshop. 4 Units.

Designed to foster intellectual discussion, encourage practice and skill-building in providing feedback, and build substantive knowledge of legal scholarship, this workshop is for both law and doctoral students across campus who are interested in interdisciplinary approaches to studying law.

Prerequisite: CRM/LAW C240B. CRM/LAW C240B with a grade of B or better

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C242. Crime Hotspots. 4 Units.

Focuses on the criminological theory of hotspots, beginning with the “when, where, and why” questions and ending with the practical policing strategies that have been developed to mitigate hotspot public safety hazards.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C250. Preventing Errors of Justice. 4 Units.

Examines the types of errors that are made in the U.S. criminal justice system and how we might prevent these errors, including failures to convict guilty offenders as well as wrongful convictions of the innocent.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C252. Issues in Environmental Law and Policy. 4 Units.

Treatment of legal and policy strategies for promoting environmental protection and deterring environmental degradation within the context of other societal objectives. Topical approach with a focus on problems of special interest to criminologists and to environmental policy specialists.

Same as UPPP 252.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C253. Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, and Society. 4 Units.

Introduces students to the world of cybercrime in the age of globally networked digital, and information and communication technologies (ICT). Presents a socio-legal approach to the study of cybercrime, cybersecurity, and how it relates to society.

Restriction: Graduate students only. Criminology, Law and Society M.A.S. students only.

CRM/LAW C254. Immigration in the US: Economic, Fiscal, and Social Outcomes. 4 Units.

The changing patterns of immigration in the U.S. and the role that immigrants play in our society. In particular, the economic and social outcomes of immigration, as well as the relationship between immigration, crime, and criminal justice policy.

Restriction: Graduate students only. Criminology, Law and Society Majors only.

CRM/LAW C255. Public Policy. 4 Units.

Explores different approaches to public policy analysis, the diverse conceptions of the goals and objectives that should be served by policy, and the appropriate role of the policy analyst. Policy consequences are traced to indirect and subtle incentives and disincentives.

Same as UPPP 221, POL SCI 221A.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C257. Juvenile Justice and Gangs. 4 Units.

Aims to understand the history and evolution of the juvenile justice system, and introduces the challenges that street and prison gangs pose to the mission and operations of juvenile justice in America.

Restriction: Graduate students only. Criminology, Law and Society M.A.S. students only.

CRM/LAW C258. Crimmigration. 4 Units.

Examines the criminalization of immigration, with an emphasis on U.S. enforcement procedures and outcomes. Analyzes the devolution of federal immigration law to local authorities, the rise in immigrant detention and deportation, and the militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Same as CHC/LAT 225, SOCIOL 268.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C260A. Race and Justice Studies Proseminar .

A year-long proseminar conducted by a team of instructors specializing in race and justice studies. Conceived as a reading and peer mentor group focusing on intellectual and professional development. Required for students pursuing the Race and Justice Studies emphasis.

Grading Option: In Progress (Letter Grade with S/U).

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C260B. Race and Justice Studies Proseminar.

A year-long proseminar conducted by a team of instructors specializing in race and justice studies. Conceived as a reading and peer mentor group focusing on intellectual and professional development. Required for students pursuing the Race and Justice Studies emphasis.

Prerequisite: CRM/LAW C260A. CRM/LAW C260A with a grade of B- or better

Grading Option: In Progress (Letter Grade with S/U).

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C260C. Race and Justice Studies Proseminar. 4 Units.

A year-long proseminar conducted by a team of instructors specializing in race and justice studies. Conceived as a reading and peer mentor group focusing on intellectual and professional development. Required for students pursuing the Race and Justice Studies emphasis.

Prerequisite: CRM/LAW C260B. CRM/LAW C260B with a grade of B- or better

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C261. Race and Justice Studies Writing Seminar . 4 Units.

A required writing-intensive seminar conducted by an instructor affiliated with the Race and Justice Studies emphasis. Students with manuscripts on relevant topics will read and critique peer manuscripts, and revise manuscripts toward completion of articles, dissertation chapters, and other publications.

Prerequisite: CRM/LAW C260C. CRM/LAW C260C with a grade of B- or better

Same as HUMAN 261, SOC SCI 253K.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C262. Special Topics in Race and Justice Studies. 4 Units.

A seminar focused on special issues in race and justice studies.

Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C263. Eyewitness Testimony. 4 Units.

Examines the evidence that shows that faulty eyewitness memory is the major cause of wrongful convictions. Explores what the legal system thinks of eyewitness testimony and how the legal system has dealt with eyewitness issues.

Same as PSCI P263.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C265. Memory and the Law. 4 Units.

Examines the controversial topic of repressed memory, or perception and memory of real-world events.

Same as PSCI P265.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C266. Psychology and the Law. 4 Units.

Overview of how psychology is applied to the civil and criminal justice systems, how case law shapes this application, and how legal decisions affect the direction of psychological research. Interdisciplinary approach to research in psychology, law, and/or criminology.

Same as PSCI P266.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C268. Contemporary Issues in Crime and Justice. 4 Units.

Intensive reading and discussion of several recent works that raise critical issues for criminology and criminal justice policy, with a special emphasis on issues of inequality, diversity, and social justice.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C270. Economics of Crime. 4 Units.

An introduction to the economic approach of thinking about criminal activity. Using the Becker model of rational criminal behavior as a starting point, we evaluate how education, employment, social insurance, and local economic development programs can affect criminal behavior.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C271. Economics of Criminal Justice. 4 Units.

Considers empirical research from the economics literature on various topics related to the criminal justice system, such as policing, bail reform, incarceration, or recidivism.

Same as ECON 271.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C275. Special Topics in Criminology, Law and Society. 4 Units.

Topics covered vary with interests of instructor.

Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary.

CRM/LAW C280A. Professionalization Proseminar.

Focuses on two areas that are key to scholarly and professional success in graduate school but are rarely discussed in a structured setting: 1) publishing in peer-reviewed academic journals; and 2) preparing for the academic job market.

Grading Option: In Progress (Letter Grade with S/U).

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C280B. Professionalization Proseminar.

Focuses on two areas that are key to scholarly and professional success in graduate school but are rarely discussed in a structured setting: 1) publishing in peer-reviewed academic journals; and 2) preparing for the academic job market.

Prerequisite: CRM/LAW C280A. CRM/LAW C280A with a grade of B- or better

Grading Option: In Progress (Letter Grade with S/U).

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C280C. Professionalization Proseminar. 4 Units.

Focuses on two areas that are key to scholarly and professional success in graduate school but are rarely discussed in a structured setting: 1) publishing in peer-reviewed academic journals; and 2) preparing for the academic job market.

Prerequisite: CRM/LAW C280B. CRM/LAW C280B with a grade of B- or better

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C296. Doctoral Dissertation Research and Writing. 2-12 Units.

Dissertation research with Criminology, Law and Society faculty.

Prerequisite: Advancement to candidacy.

Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only.

Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.

CRM/LAW C298. Directed Study. 2-4 Units.

Directed study with Criminology, Law and Society faculty.

Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

CRM/LAW C299. Independent Study . 2-8 Units.

Independent research with Criminology, Law and Society faculty.

Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times.

Restriction: Graduate students only.