2024-25 Edition

Hearing and Speech Sciences, Minor

A minor in Hearing and Speech Sciences will provide in-depth training for undergraduates interested in becoming scientists and/or clinicians in health-related fields. This minor will help stimulate students’ interest in hearing and speech as well as increase their opportunities to be admitted to postgraduate programs in audiology, speech-language pathology, biomedical engineering, psychology, neuroscience, medicine and other allied areas.

A minor in Hearing and Speech Sciences will provide in-depth training for undergraduates interested in becoming scientists and/or clinicians in health-related fields. This minor will help stimulate students’ interest in hearing and speech as well as increase their opportunities to be admitted to postgraduate programs in audiology, speech-language pathology, biomedical engineering, psychology, neuroscience, medicine and other allied areas.

Hearing and Speech Sciences Minor Requirements
A. Complete the following:
BIO SCI N110 Neurobiology and Behavior
or PSYCH 160A Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
B. Statistic course(s) selected from the following: 1
Introduction to Probability and Statistics I
and Introduction to Probability and Statistics II
and Introduction to Probability and Statistics III
Exploratory Data Analysis
and Probability and Inference
and Statistical Models
Probability and Statistics in Social Sciences I
and Probability and Statistics in Social Sciences II
and Probability and Statistics in Social Sciences III
Basic Statistics
Introduction to Biological Statistics
Public Health Statistics I
C. Complete the following:
BIO SCI N147 Hearing and the Brain
D. Complete four courses from the following categories, with at least one course from each category:
Category I:
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Mathematical Modeling in Biology I
Introduction to Programming
An additional statistics or probability course beyond Requirement B (listed above).
Category II:
Introduction to Linguistics
Introduction to Phonology
Acquisition of Language (same as LINGUIS 51)
Psychology of Language (same as LINGUIS 155)
Category III:
Developmental Neurobiology
Language and the Brain
E. Research Requirement - one quarter of research experience mentored by a CHR member (others may be allowed with prior approval). One year of research is highly recommended: 2
Individual Study
Independent Study in Biological Sciences Research
Special Studies in Mathematics
Special Studies in Mathematics
Special Studies in Mathematics
Independent Study

For students with majors within the School of Social Sciences, one statistics course in addition to the School requirement must be completed. For students with majors outside of the School of Social Sciences, at least one statistics course is required. Other statistics courses may be approved for substitution.


 Note: BIO SCI 194S is a prerequisite to BME 199 and BIO SCI 199.

Residency Requirement: A minimum of five courses required for the minor must be completed at UCI. Approved courses taken in the Education Abroad Program are considered to be in-residence courses.